Finishing Writing the Documentation for my Next EP (2023-07-14)
Background by StockSnap via Pixabay
I’m about to publish my first and next Blog with EP “Building Slides from Screenshots App in JavaFX,” now that I finished all the code I wanted to add to the project yesterday, so I just have to blog it to its (extensive) article, tackle a few details more, and add the abstract.
Now, I can develop EPs for multiple purposes I set. EPs can serve not only as standalone applications but also as blogs documenting the development process and more. This can help —among more purposes— to evaluate tech or early-stage ideas.
The meaning of a blog with EP —unlike a normal EP— is not its project but its blog, so once I publish it, I won’t be interested in keep working on its project. On the other side, if it was a normal EP, I could prove any ideas at any time since it’s an actual standalone project.
This way, I can powerfully scale (one more time) my career domination by showing more of my work in different aspects of my profession. So I feel like I’m not just the one who “writes the code” but the one “behind all this.”
I’ll publish Building Slides from Screenshots App in JavaFX soon with an extensive experience in all kinds of features I ventured into.
For now, I still have to blog some sections for the last features I developed and then finish other minor details.

Sure, I employ my two monitors, and tons of pro tools like IntelliJ subscriptions, Git, etc., not to say my knowledge and experience —building high-quality content is really hard1.
I still need to engineer general automation tools to handle static files, derivative contents (e.g., “images” directories), and get rid of Windows, as you can see in the screenshot.
I also have to build the Kotlin DSLs with FP for content operations, that is, deploying articles from source 2.
I’m also working on developing other languages for generating Table of Contents (ToC) and Open Graph (OG) cover images for articles3.
Proving ideas for automation is one of the purposes of this blog: it’s so much I can’t standardize right now, but I have to move forward in the meantime.
This time we’re talking about a huge article with over 3k lines of markdown, and the IDE gets slow when I edit it on my machine.
I don’t have to create a trillion articles, as one entry can hold a lot of content. I always optimize for quality and not quantity for what matters to me and MathSwe.
To grasp an idea of my mental model: I think of directories as sum types (relations, partitions) and articles as (physical) product types. This way, I build decentralized homogeneous content.
So it’s fine if articles are long while they’re highly cohesive and lowly coupled. I always measure this when creating content: something that makes you stand over most engineers or practitioners (abstract reasoning skills).
So, for instance, I evaluate some principles for each section before committing (i.e., add something small but mostly correct4) and measure coupling, so I know I won’t introduce side effects (interpretations) if I update a text.
The following is an example of the artifacts that can be produced with the application:

It’s a Screenshot
, that is, a Slide
created from a screenshot.
I applied background, an FHD resolution, underlining assisted via AI OCR, a
vertical Line
, and a Caption
with a title and subtitle.
I will finish writing soon, and with this, I’ll get one more great reference for my blog.
Building free high-quality original content is not for everyone; you must be super specialized ↩
I really need to get to this point to get rid of LaTeX as well, to write first-class math via its DSL ↩
I manage prototypes for all this, for example, in Photoshop, so I can design the DSLs in the future ↩
Grammar checking goes here as well ↩