Building Slides from Screenshots App in JavaFX

Building Slides from Screenshots App in Javafx

Efficient and quality engineering communication is a daily challenge for creating value such as specs, documentation, content, or visualizations, which are essential for professional and educative standards, which I started materializing in JavaFX via graphical slides for building domain-specific presentations based on screenshots, code snippets, and basic shapes, resulting in a blog with example project providing an in-depth development and documentation with advanced JavaFX and AI features for automation to conquer the set goals.

Sharing a Story from Screenshots

I wanted to build a little presentation from my daily work, so I took the screenshots to work them out in Photopea1.

The idea was to build a carousel presentation like this one, which I was editing in this PSD file. It still didn’t include captions, so besides the editing, that puts more off-topic work for me.

Photopea: Editing the Presentation
Photopea: Editing the Presentation

Needless to say, those apps like Photoshop, Google Docs, Office, etc., are general-purpose (i.e., mediocre) and manual. Plus, you even have to pay a subscription or watch ads for a monolith you will barely use much.

I need composition, I just engineer my domain-specific systems.

I lately took this experience as the final motivation to start materializing the automation of these systems without requiring the monolithic products mentioned. I’m working this materialization out via my new —and first blog with project— EP: Slides, here in this article.

Slides App

The application consists of many advanced features in a JavaFX master-view-detail desktop implementation for creating slide images and presentations based on images like screenshots, and code snippets. The types of artifacts generated are depicted here, so it’s clear what the final app can build.


The three kinds of slides are:

  • Code Snippet: Turns code into a slide. Many languages are supported.
  • CodeShot: Turns a code screenshot into a language-centric slide.
  • Screenshot: Uses a screenshot (or any image) to build a slide.

The code snippet slides are based on source code, and everything is rendered via JavaFX Node and Shape views, including the syntax highlight.

Code Snippet: Slide App
Code Snippet: Slide App

Many languages are supported, which is readable from the language syntax and background color for each snippet slide.

Code Snippet: Fibonacci Sequence
Code Snippet: Fibonacci Sequence
Code Snippet: Uniform Expectation
Code Snippet: Uniform Expectation

The CodeShot slide should take a screenshot of code (probably from your IDE) so you can tell a story of what was going on. You leverage a screenshot this time instead of a code snippet to take other screenshot elements like a Git diff or IDE special features.

Codeshot: Inspecting Video Rendering Race Condition
Codeshot: Inspecting Video Rendering Race Condition

Code shots are also language-centric, like code snippets, but they’re built upon code screenshots instead of source code.

Slides based on (general) screenshots should be about no-code, like IDE or tool screenshots showing special information. A common example is a Git message explaining what happened.

Screenshot: Fix OOME Commit
Screenshot: Fix OOME Commit

The slide above has underlined text (multiple words) thanks to both the JavaFX shapes and AI automation tools integrated into the app. I mention “automated” as the underlining of words in images is automatic by AI (you just have to click to underline the text).

Drawable shapes on a slide can be lines, rectangles, and circles. The green color is for good and red for errors.

AI: Text Selected via Ocr
AI: Text Selected via Ocr

The above slide was also underlined (single word) automatically by AI.

Finally, a powerful artifact out of all these features is effectively a presentation.

Presentation: Video Rendering Side Effect Fix

Domain-specific feature automation within the app slide implementations results in engineering-grade, high-quality artifacts like images and presentations to convey a technical story efficiently for both the author and consumer.

Getting Started

First, make sure to have Java 21+ installed on your development machine. You might need:

I highly suggest using the Zulu (FX) distribution to get the FX mods out of the box!

For creating a new JavaFX app, follow Beginning JavaFX Applications with IntelliJ IDE | with one of the approach given by the author. I suggest using the “Plain” approach for this project.

Our app package name is

The following is the initial app project.
module {
    requires javafx.controls;
    requires javafx.fxml;
    opens to javafx.fxml;
Definition of Application Modules

As given above, it’s required JavaFX controls, and fxml mods since I decided to use FXML with the Scene Builder. Then, the main app package has to be opened to the fxml mod, so it can use reflection on our app, as well as exporting it so JavaFX in general can see our app via reflection.

Now, we move forward the main package.
 * Provides a desktop application that converts screenshots into professional
 * slides that tell a story.
Main Application Package
public class Main extends Application {
    private static final double WINDOW_WIDTH = 1360.0;
    private static final double WINDOW_HEIGHT = 640.0;

    public static void main(String[] args) {

    public void start(Stage primaryStage) {
        var root = new VBox();
        var scene = new Scene(root, WINDOW_WIDTH, WINDOW_HEIGHT);
        var btn = new Button();

        btn.setText("Hello World");
        btn.setOnAction(actionEvent -> System.out.println("Hello World"));


Initial Hello World App
Hello World
Hello World

At this point, the JavaFX application is set up, so the development can take place.

Initial Master-View-Detail Layout with Drag-and-Drop ListView

I already developed the initial application layout (and logic) — which are relatively heavy —, so I’ll add the FXML version here with a preview to see what’s being developed.

This is the initial layout app.fxml file that looks like:

Scene Builder: Initial App Fxml
Scene Builder: Initial App Fxml

The layout tree (briefly) consists of:

  • A split pane that defines the Master-View-Detail:
    • A master view with a user input pane to manage the image files.
    • A view pane that will show the slides rendered.
    • A detail pane that will hold the properties for generating the slides.

It requires events for the file drag-and-drop, and some buttons.

It also has a menu bar that can be trivially implemented later.

The current layout tree consists of:

├── VBox
    ├── MenuBar
        ├── Menu (File)
            ├── MenuItem (New)
            ├── MenuItem (Open Working Directory)
            ├── SeparatorMenuItem
            ├── MenuItem (Clear)
            ├── SeparatorMenuItem
            └── MenuItem (Quit)
        └── Menu (Help)
            └── MenuItem (About Slides EP)
    ├── SplitPane
        ├── VBox
            ├── VBox
                ├── Label (Screenshots)
                └── HBox
                    ├── Button (ADD)
                    └── HBox
                        └── Button (CLEAR)
            └── ListView
        ├── VBox
            ├── Label (Slides)
            └── ScrollPane
                └── AnchorPane
                    └── HBox
                        └── ImageView
        └── AnchorPane
            └── Label (Details)
    └── HBox
        ├── HBox
            └──Label (Slides App)
        ├── HBox
            └── Label (Build a presentation from screenshots)
        └── HBox
Initial App Layout Tree

For integrating this layout, the root view has to be loaded from the FXML resource app.fxml in the root of the resources project’s directory.

start |
var root = FXMLLoader.<Parent>load(
Loading the FXML Resource

Then, AppController will handle the input events.
public class AppController {
    public void initialize() {}

    private void onDragOver(DragEvent dragEvent) {}

    private void onDragDropped(DragEvent dragEvent) {}

    private void onDragExited(DragEvent dragEvent) {}

    private void onAddButtonAction(ActionEvent event) {}

    private void onClearButtonAction() {}
Initial Application Controller

This gives an initial layout to the app with a controller to set some structure as far as it’s currently going. This includes a master-view-detail app layout, where the master pane will be loaded with images via drag-and-drop.

Application Data

The application will handle data related to image files that make up the presentation, which will be stored in a local directory.

A basic image item needs to be loaded into the list of images.
public record ImageItem(String filename, Image image) {
    public int hashCode() {
        return Objects.hash(filename);

    public boolean equals(Object obj) {
        return (obj instanceof ImageItem imageItem)
            && Objects.equals(filename, imageItem.filename());
Definition of an Application Image Item with Name and Image

Notice, how the hashCode and equals methods had to be overwritten because of the Image object23.

This item will model the images (screenshots) saved to the application data directory. Notice this will be a simple directory tree with a depth of 1 with no subdirectories.

The items need to be stored and loaded from our local storage.

For this, I defined the DataRepository API. | package data
public interface DataRepository {
    void createOrUpdateImage(Path imagePath) throws IOException;

    void createImage(Path imagePath) throws IOException;

    List<ImageItem> readAllImages() throws IOException;

    Image readImage(String imageName) throws IOException;

    void updateImage(Path imagePath) throws IOException;

    void deleteImage(String imageName) throws IOException;

    void deleteAllImages() throws IOException;
Application Data API

I also wrote a Data utility class to hold important functions. | package data
public final class Data {
    private static final String EXTENSION_DOT = ".";
    private static final String[] supportedExtensions = { "png", "jpg" };

    public static boolean isFileSupported(Path path) {
        var filter = filterValidNames(Stream
        return filter.size() == 1;

    public static boolean areValidImageFiles(Collection<? extends File> files) {
        var filter = filterValidNames(;
        return filter.size() == files.size();

    private static List<String> filterValidNames(Stream<String> name) {
        var valid = List.of(supportedExtensions);
        return name
            .filter(x -> x.contains(EXTENSION_DOT))
            .map(x -> x.substring(x.lastIndexOf(EXTENSION_DOT) + 1))

    private Data() {}
Application Data Filters

That way, we’ll know whether a given file list (that can be dropped into the ListView) has supported file extensions which will avoid polluting the data directory with random files and ensure more correctness in our logic.

These definitions will allow us to perform data operations in our application.

Local Storage Implementation

The implementation of the DataRepository is straightforward.

It uses the java.nio.file API to access the file system, and the code written before. | package data
public class LocalDataRepository implements DataRepository {
    private final String root;

    public LocalDataRepository(String root) { this.root = root; }

    public void createOrUpdateImage(Path imagePath) throws IOException {
        var imageName = imagePath.getFileName().toString();

        if (Files.exists(pathOf(imageName))) {
        else {

    public void createImage(Path imagePath) throws IOException {

        var imageName = imagePath.getFileName().toString();

        Files.copy(imagePath, pathOf(imageName));

    public List<ImageItem> readAllImages() throws IOException {

        var images = new ArrayList<ImageItem>();
        var files = Files
            .walk(pathOf(""), 1)

        try (files) {
            for (var file : files.toList()) {
                var img = new Image(Files.newInputStream(file));
                images.add(new ImageItem(file.getFileName().toString(), img));
        return images;

    public Image readImage(String imageName) throws IOException {
        var path = pathOf(imageName);


        return new Image(Files.newInputStream(path));

    public void updateImage(Path imagePath) throws IOException {
        var imageName = imagePath.getFileName().toString();



    public void deleteImage(String imageName) throws IOException {
        var path = pathOf(imageName);



    public void deleteAllImages() throws IOException {
        var walk = Files
            .walk(pathOf(""), 1)

        try (walk) {
            for (var path : walk.toList()) {

    private void requireLocalStorage() throws IOException {
        var rootPath = pathOf("");

        if (!Files.exists(rootPath)) {

    private Path pathOf(String filename) {
        return Path.of(root, filename);

    private static void requireFileExists(Path path) throws IOException {
        if (!Files.exists(path)) {
            throw new IOException("File " + path + " does not exist");

    private static void requireValidFile(Path path) throws IOException {
        if (!Data.isFileSupported(path)) {
            throw new IOException("File " + path + " is not supported");
Implementation of "DataRepository" on "LocalDataRepository"

This realization of DataRepository allows us to access our data directory application images.

Master Pane

The first part of the app is a master pane that lists the images.

Master Pane
Master Pane

This pane will be able to list the images, add new image(s) via drag-and-drop and or a Button with FileChooser, delete an image, delete all images, and rearrange them in the order they will appear in the presentation.

Initializing the App Controller

The AppController will need some fields.

class AppController
private static final String DATA_ROOT = "data";
private final DataRepository repository;
@FXML private Button addButton;
@FXML private Label statusLabel;

public AppController() {
    this.repository = new LocalDataRepository(DATA_ROOT);
Members of "AppController"

A good initialization will be needed too.

class AppController
public void initialize() {
    statusLabel.setText("Slides App");


private void initAddButton() {
    var icAdd = new Image(
    var addImageView = new ImageView(icAdd);

Initialization of "AppController"

Including other methods will be helpful as well.

class AppController
private void handleError(IOException e) {

private void setStatus(String msg) {
Other Methods

Now the controller set up to keep adding the other features.

Drag and Drop

One engaging feature of this app is its file drag-and-drop, where you can create or update one or many images just as simple.

Dragging Files
Dragging Files

If the files are accepted by our app then they will be added.

Files Updated
Files Updated

They won’t be added if rejected (e.g., a Photopea “.psd” file). Per our rules, one invalid file is enough to reject all of them.

Drag Canceled . Invalid Files
Drag Canceled . Invalid Files

So our DragEvent cancels further actions with the clipboard files.

Another way the DragEvent can finish is when you just cancel the drop action with your mouse by leaving the files out.

Drag Canceled
Drag Canceled

The events are set from the app.fxml view already, so the controller implementation is left.

The three events that will be required for this app consist of:

  • Drag Over: Files are being dragged onto the ListView, so they will either be accepted or rejected.
  • Drag Dropped: Files were deposited into the app.
  • Drag Exited: Cancels the drag as files dragged with the mouse are out of scope.
class AppController
private void onDragOver(DragEvent dragEvent) {
    var dragboard = dragEvent.getDragboard();

    if (dragboard.hasFiles()) {
        if (Data.areValidImageFiles(dragboard.getFiles())) {
            setStatus("Dragging files...");
        else {
            setStatus("Drag canceled (invalid files)");

private void onDragExited(DragEvent dragEvent) {
    if (!dragEvent.isDropCompleted()) {
        setStatus("Drag canceled");

private void onDragDropped(DragEvent dragEvent) {
    var board = dragEvent.getDragboard();

    if (board.hasFiles()) {
        setStatus("Files updated");
    else {
        setStatus("Drag canceled (empty)");
Drag Event Implementations

These implementations will allow the drag-and-drop feature in our application.

List View

The list in the master pane is a key for completing this implementation.

First, a custom cell renderer needs to be created, obviously.

If you remember or are homesick for the Android old school like me, that would come in handy a lot.

class ImageItemCell
class ImageItemCell extends ListCell<ImageItem> {
    interface Listener {
        void onDelete(ImageItem item);

    private final Listener l;
    private final HBox view;
    private final ImageView imageView;
    private final Label nameLabel;
    private final Button deleteButton;
    private final Tooltip tip;

    ImageItemCell(Listener l) {
        this.l = l;
        this.view = new HBox();
        this.imageView = new ImageView();
        this.nameLabel = new Label();
        this.deleteButton = new Button();
        this.tip = new Tooltip();


    protected void updateItem(ImageItem item, boolean empty) {
        super.updateItem(item, empty);
        if (item == null || empty) {
        else {

    private void init() {
        var imageParent = new HBox();



        var maxNameLength = 20;

            .addListener((observable, oldValue, newValue) -> {
                if (newValue.length() > maxNameLength) {
                    var txt = newValue.substring(0, maxNameLength) + "...";

        var deleteParent = new HBox();

        deleteButton.setStyle("-fx-text-fill: #b00020;");

        HBox.setHgrow(deleteParent, Priority.ALWAYS);

        Tooltip.install(view, tip);

        view.getChildren().addAll(imageParent, nameLabel, deleteParent);

    private void updateItem(ImageItem item) {

        var boundingBox = imageView.getLayoutBounds();
        var clip = new Rectangle(
            boundingBox.getWidth(), boundingBox.getHeight()


        deleteButton.setOnAction(event -> onDeleteButtonAction(item));


    private void onDeleteButtonAction(ImageItem item) {
        var alert = new Alert(
            "Delete " + item.filename() + "?",

        if(alert.getResult() == ButtonType.YES) {
Implementation of the Cell Items for the List View

I also added a Tooltip so the full file name is shown when you hover the item and a maximum length for the text to be covered with an ellipsis if long.

Moreover, I set a rounded corner of the image in the method updateItem via imageView.setClip(clip);, and set the confirmation Alert in the method onDeleteButtonAction that sends the event to delete the item to the ImageItemCell.Listener (the controller).

So, that’s the ListView item implementation you see in the screenshots.

Then, this is integrated into the controller.

First, the cell callback that was defined can be realized by the controller, i.e., implements ImageItemCell.Listener which is followed by:

class AppController
@FXML private ListView<ImageItem> imageList;

public void initialize() {
    // ... //
    imageList.setCellFactory(param -> new ImageItemCell(this));


public void onDelete(ImageItem item) {
    try {
        setStatus("Item deleted");
    catch (IOException e) {

public void onDelete(ImageItem item) {
    try {
    catch (IOException e) {

private void loadImageList() {
    try {
        var images = repository.readAllImages();
    catch (IOException e) {

private void createOrUpdateImages(Iterable<? extends File> files) {
    for (var file : files) {
        var path = file.toPath();

        try {

            var imageName = path.getFileName().toString();
            var newImage = repository.readImage(imageName);
            var newImageItem = new ImageItem(imageName, newImage);
            var listItems = imageList.getItems();

            listItems.add(new ImageItem(imageName, newImage));
        catch (IOException e) {

private void deleteAllImages() {
    try {
        setStatus("All items deleted");
    catch (IOException e) {

private void handleError(IOException e) {
Integration of the List View and Data Repository into the App Controller

At this point, the list with drag-and-drop was built which is a big part of this master pane.

Deleting Items

For deleting an item, you click on the delete button of the item, and a confirmation Alert will finish this action.

Delete Item
Delete Item

To delete all the items, the “clear” Button will “do the trick”.

Clear All
Clear All

Therefore, here we go with our controller again.

class AppController
@FXML private Parent view;

private void onAddButtonAction() {
    var chooser = new FileChooser();

    chooser.setTitle("Open Files");
        new FileChooser.ExtensionFilter(
            "Image Files (*.png, *.jpg)",
    var files = chooser.showOpenMultipleDialog(view.getScene().getWindow());

    if (files != null) {

private void onClearButtonAction() {
    var alert = new Alert(
        "Delete all the data?",

    if (alert.getResult() == ButtonType.YES) {
Implementation of Deleting Actions (the "Danger Zone")

This provides a safe delete mechanism for our application images.

Arranging Image Items via More Drag and Drop

Our presentation order will be the one shown in the images ListView that already supports a drag-and-drop event for adding or updating files to the app, and now it needs one more implementation for arranging its items via this fancy mechanism.

ListView Drag and Drop Animation
ListView Drag and Drop Animation

By arranging the images loaded into the master pane via another ergonomic drag-and-drop mechanism, we can set important information for the slides such as, their order in the final presentation.

Cell Drag and Drop Implementation

First, a new event will need to be defined in the ImageItemCell Listener, namely, void onArrange(int draggedIdx, int destIdx);. So, our abstract list of images (the data structure) gets sorted when this happens (then updates the view).

met init | class ImageItemCell

Updating the Init Method of "ImageItemCell"
class ImageItemCell
private void setDragAndDropItemSort() {
Drag and Drop Events Needed
class ImageItemCell
private void onDragDetected(MouseEvent event) {
    var item = getItem();

    if (item == null) {

    var idx = getListView().getItems().indexOf(item);
    var dragboard = startDragAndDrop(TransferMode.MOVE);
    var content = new ClipboardContent();

    dragboard.setDragView(view.snapshot(null, null));


private void onDragOver(DragEvent event) {
    if (event.getGestureSource() != this && event.getDragboard().hasString()) {

private void onDragEntered(DragEvent event) {
    if (event.getGestureSource() != this && event.getDragboard().hasString()) {

private void onDragExited(DragEvent event) {
    if (event.getGestureSource() != this && event.getDragboard().hasString()) {

private void onDragDropped(DragEvent event) {
    var item = getItem();

    if (item == null) {

    var dragboard = event.getDragboard();

    if (dragboard.hasString()) {
        var items = getListView().getItems();
        int draggedIdx = Integer.parseInt(dragboard.getString());
        int destIdx = items.indexOf(item);

        l.onArrange(draggedIdx, destIdx);

Drag Event Implementations to Rearrange a List Cell

First, notice that if you’re not careful, you’ll introduce side effects to these kinds of events, as we can have many event implementations. In this case, the drag events fall into the ListView (the “bigger”) and are also listened from each of its cells, that is, each ImageItemCell.

What controls this crazy state sharing, if you notice, are the calls to the consume method of the DragEvents. Setting setDropCompleted to true also helps with this.

So, I carefully tested the app so both drag-and-drop events for files and for arranging cells work properly.

The drag view is set to a snapshot of the cell being dragged. This is the graphic you see on the tip of your mouse when dragging something on the screen.

There are some CSS classes to apply a visual effect on the cells when dragging one cell onto another. These classes have to be added to the app from a CSS file.

That was with respect to the ImageItemCell. Now this feature has to be added to the AppController part.

Controller Update

The previous changes have to be implemented in the app controller.

I lately made the app less coupled, so we’ll work with a images List stored in the controller as the “source of truth” for the image data. Then, this list will behave reactively to update the GUI.

class AppController
private final ObservableList<ImageItem> images;

public AppController() {
    // ... //
    this.images = FXCollections.observableArrayList();

public void initialize() {
    // ... //
    // ... //

public void onArrange(int draggedIdx, int destIdx) {
    var dragged = images.get(draggedIdx);
    var dest = images.get(destIdx);

    images.set(draggedIdx, dest);
    images.set(destIdx, dragged);
    setStatus("Item arranged");

private void loadImageList() {
    try {
        var loadedImages = repository.readAllImages();

    catch (IOException e) {
Setting up the App Controller for the "onArrange" Event

What’s mostly new here, is the onArrange event that was defined before in the ImageItemCell Listener. This method updates the data, and this data is reactive, so it automatically updates the ListView which was bound to the images list via imageList.setItems(images).

The dragged cell is also selected when dropping it into its new position via imageList.getSelectionModel().clearAndSelect(destIdx).

Cells are swapped and automatic scroll is missing which are limitations to this implementation. The wanted behaviour may probably be more advanced but that’s out of the scope of this EP.

Now both the cell and controller implementations are in sync.

App CSS Styles

It was time to introduce some CSS here to add a class to the list cell when another item is being dragged to it.

.cell {
    -fx-border-width: 2px;
    -fx-border-radius: 4px;
    -fx-border-color: transparent;

.entered {
    -fx-border-color: #4FC3F7;
CSS Styles for Dragging a List Cell into Another Cell

I also added a new method in to help load these resources.

met start | class Main
Loading CSS Styles into the App
class Main
private URL loadResource(String name) {
    return Objects.requireNonNull(
Method that Loads an App Resource by File Name

Now, the CSS classes defined above can be used to style the ListView cells.

Order of the Presentation Slides

With all this, we now have the arrangement of the images done as well as the master pane complete.

This menu is trivial to write now.

File Menu Items
File Menu Items

First, we add the events to the FXML, and the controller.

class AppController
@FXML private void onAddMenuItemAction() {}

@FXML private void onOpenWDMenuItemAction() {}

@FXML private void onClearMenuItemAction() {}

@FXML private void onQuitMenuItemAction() {}

@FXML private void onAboutMenuItemAction() {}
Events for Handing the Menu Bar Items

I made minor modifications, like changing the name of a MenuItem from “New” to “Add” for more clarity of action.

They do the following:

  • Add: Opens the FileChooser just like pressing the existing “Add” Button to add (or update) an image.
  • OpenWD: Opens the app data directory (working directory) into the system file explorer so you can browse over the original application images.
  • Clear: Same as the “Clear” Button.
  • Quit: Closes the app.
  • About: Shows a basic Alert with info about the application.

So first I extracted a method to reuse it:

class AppController
private void onAddButtonAction() {

private void onClearButtonAction() {

private void openFileViaFileChooser() { /* Impl. */ }

private void showDeleteAllAlert() { /* Impl. */ }
Extraction of Methods in "AppController" for Code Reuse

The Swing JavaFX module has to be added to the application modules ( via requires javafx.swing; as it’s required to call to the awt Desktop API to open the system file explorer.

Finally, the implementations are left to finish this menu.

class AppController
private void onAddButtonAction() {

private void onClearButtonAction() {

private void onAddMenuItemAction() {

private void onOpenWDMenuItemAction() {
    if (Desktop.isDesktopSupported()) {
        try {
            Desktop.getDesktop().open(new File(DATA_ROOT));
        catch (IOException | UnsupportedOperationException e) {
    else {
        setStatus("Desktop is not supported");

private void onClearMenuItemAction() {

private void onQuitMenuItemAction() {

private void onAboutMenuItemAction() {
    var alert = new Alert(
        "Slides App | blog |",

Implementation of Menu Events

This was the application now has a functioning menu bar.

View Detail and App Domain

The detail pane is the one to the right that allows the user to set up the information to apply to the slides, and the application domain has been defined via several types to power all these concepts.

The view pane is the middle one showing the result of rendering the slide, and this will require much more work before we start drawing something on this view.

Some refactorizations are needed to keep the project maintainable.

Then the master pane developed before has to be related to the view pane via a Pagination.

Once the initial application domain is defined, the detail pane can be worked out to enable the configurations that will be applied to the drawing in the view pane.

Refactorizations on Data and UI

First, some refactorizations I did at this stage.

├── data
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   └──
└── ui
Project Package Refactorization

Leading to a project module like:
module {
    requires javafx.controls;
    requires javafx.fxml;
    requires javafx.swing;
    opens to javafx.fxml;
Project Module After Refactorization

Notice I moved ImageItem from ui to data as it makes more sense as I said in Removing Cyclic Dependencies, Java vs Go (2023-05-28).

Now the project has more support to accept the next changes for the view and detail panes as well as the application logic.


This component is a page indicator that will keep in sync with the list of images loaded into the master pane.

View Pagination in Sync with List View
View Pagination in Sync with List View

After updating the app.fxml file, the logic is next.

class AppController
private Pagination pagination;
private ImageView slideView;

public void initialize() {
    /* ... */

private void initMasterView() {

    images.addListener((InvalidationListener) l -> updatePaginationCount());

        .addListener((observable, oldValue, newValue) ->


        .addListener((observable, oldValue, newValue) ->


private void updatePaginationCount() {
    var size = images.size();

    if (size > 0) {
    else {
Pagination Implementation

The pagination has a page count that is set to the size of the images loaded into the app via pagination.setPageCount(images.size()), and set to 1 (default) if there are no items, besides setting it invisible. This is because the minimum page count of a Pagination can only be 1, so we have to hide it when there are no pages.

Then, this count is updated when the list of images changes.

By default, the first list item is selected, so the app is not empty as long as there are images.

When an item of the ListView is selected, the property is listened, so it updates the Pagination index via pagination.setCurrentPageIndex(newValue).

On the other hand, when the Pagination changes its index, the selected item in the ListView is updated via imageList.getSelectionModel().select (newValue).

Then, I put a ImageView in the view pane to show the selected image in the app as a PoC for this feature, but this view will be replaced with a Group later, to be able to perform the drawings.

The image list and pagination will be in sync, so the app becomes more usable with this new control.


It’s time to start creating the models for this application.

interface Slide
public sealed interface Slide {
    record CodeSnippet(String code) implements Slide {}

    record CodeShot(Image image) implements Slide {}

    record Screenshot(Image image) implements Slide {}
Application "Slide" Sum Type

A Slide consists of:

  • CodeSnippet: A slide containing source code (from a given PL) styled as a pretty image.
  • CodeShot: A screenshot image of source code (e.g., screenshot of the IDE editor).
  • Screenshot: A random screenshot.

I also defined a basic enum to define the slides as simple iterable items.

enum SlideItem
public enum SlideItem {
Application "SlideItem" Sum Type

The (programming4) language is required to style the slides, so it can be associated to a slide content.

enum Language
public enum Language {
Application Language Support

Defining some colors will be useful for the possible drawings that can appear on the slides.

enum Palette
public enum Palette {

    private final String colorCode;

    Palette(String color) {
        this.colorCode = color;

    public String colorCode() {
        return colorCode;
Application Basic Color Palette

So, we can define some relations for these types. A took the language color used by GitHub and set them to the languages that were added before.

class Colors
public final class Colors {
    public static Color color(Palette palette) {
        return Color.web(palette.colorCode());

    public static Color color(Language language) {
        var code = switch (language) {
            case CSharp -> "#178600";
            case CSS -> "#563d7c";
            case Golang -> "#00ADD8";
            case Haskell -> "#5e5086";
            case HTML -> "#e34c26";
            case Java -> "#b07219";
            case JavaScript -> "#f1e05a";
            case Kotlin -> "#A97BFF";
            case Lean -> "#83579A";
            case PureScript -> "#1D222D";
            case Python -> "#3572A5";
            case Rust -> "#dea584";
            case TypeScript -> "#2b7489";
        return Color.web(code);

    private Colors() {}
Utility Class "Colors"

This way the app can be extended by mapping color values to the domain types.

Regarding configurations, we can add some important settings like the target size for the slides.

record SlideSize
public record SlideSize(double width, double height) {
    public enum Predefined {
        HD(new SlideSize(1_280.0, 720.0)),
        FHD(new SlideSize(1_920.0, 1_080.0));

        public static Predefined from(SlideSize size) {
            if (size.equals(FHD.value())) {
                return FHD;
            return HD;

        private final SlideSize value;

        public SlideSize value() {
            return value;

        Predefined(SlideSize value) {
            this.value = value;
Establishing Slide Resolutions

Since screenshots will not likely be greater than FHD, these predefined resolutions will come in handy.

In the long run, we’ll also need to compile and save the whole presentation, so here’s a basic configuration that will provide this insight.

record PresentationConfig
public record PresentationConfig(SlideSize size, Path savePath) {}
Presentation Configuration

So, it can be editable from the detail pane. A field for the size (HD, FHD), and the path to store the compilations.

All this is for now, the application domain that establishes the main logic to build the rest of GUI details.

Reusing Enums by Converting Them into English Strings

Enums can straightforwardly be used as an iterable sum type to define, among others, the values for the ComboBoxes. What stops us is the ability to turn them into readable English values.

JavaFX’s utilities provide a StringConverter abstract class to turn Objects into Strings and vice-versa.

I’ll leave my implementation here, and let the reader figure it out.

class Enums
public final class Enums {
    public static final class EnglishConverter<T extends Enum<T>> extends StringConverter<T> {
        private static final Pattern PATTERN = Pattern
        private static final Pattern SPACED_PATTERN = Pattern.compile(" ");
        private final Class<T> type;

        public EnglishConverter(Class<T> type) {
            this.type = type;

        public String toString(T object) {
            return PATTERN
                .reduce((word1, word2) -> word1 + " " + word2)

        public T fromString(String string) {
            var name = SPACED_PATTERN.matcher(string).replaceAll("");
            try {
                return Enum.valueOf(type, name);
            catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
            return null;

    private Enums() {}
Utility Class "Enums"

This EnglishConverter implementation will allow to use enums more directly as English values to the views without losing the identity between a enum domain type, and a primitive String (i.e., the enum is set as the view value but displayed as a String).

Detail Pane

Eventually, we come across the detail pane on the right of the GUI that allows to program what information will be taken to render what’s shown in the view pane in the middle.

Detail Pane
Detail Pane

I added a CSS class to style the title Labels for example.

.title {
    -fx-font-weight: bold;
Class "title" for Bold Text

These styles can be added as a class to the (Label) nodes via SceneBuilder.

First, declare the new fields in the controller, and add logic for what should be done. Of course, I figured all this out before.

class AppController
@FXML private ComboBox<SlideItem> slideComboBox;
@FXML private ComboBox<Language> languageComboBox;
@FXML private ComboBox<SlideSize.Predefined> sizeComboBox;
@FXML private TextField saveField;

public void initialize() {
    /* ... */

private void initDetail() {
    var slideProperty = slideComboBox.valueProperty();

    slideComboBox.setConverter(new Enums.EnglishConverter<>(SlideItem.class));

    languageComboBox.setConverter(new Enums.EnglishConverter<>(Language.class));


            .of(DATA_ROOT, "out")

Initialization of the Detail Pane

Here, some views have to be hidden if they’re not applicable according to the setup of the other values. For example, codeSnippetBox is only showed when the Slide type is set to CodeSnippet.

The main ComboBox is slideComboBox that defines what kind of Slide is the current selected item, so it’ll be rendered according to that model.

As you can see, we use the EnglishConverter written before, and set the default value of slideComboBox to SlideItem.CodeSnippet although I might change those settings later.

In the detail pane, many settings can be added and adapted to define the rendering of the slides.

View Pane and Drawing

The view pane displays the result of applying the information from the detail pane on the right side to the input images from the master pane on the left side. This view shows the drawings applied to build the presentation.

Screenshot Slide View Drawing
Screenshot Slide View Drawing

Drawing Package

The drawing logic will go to the drawing package of the application.

First, I defined a SlideDrawing type to represent the editing applied to a Slide.

interface SlideDrawing | package drawing
public interface SlideDrawing {
    void setup(SlideSize slideSize);

    void draw(Slide slide);
Definition of "SlideDrawing"

Then, I added a realization of this interface via a class based on a Group node.

Using a Group in JavaFX is normal to draw basic shapes available in the platform.

The performance of this implementation is not great yet. Since this is an example project I won’t go into pre-optimizations a lot.

I’ve experienced a few side effects while working with drag events and imperative code for editing and composing images, and I’m not delving into more lower-level optimizations for now 😑.

Now, the first drawing implementation will build a Slide of type Screenshot.

class GroupSlideDrawing | package drawing
public class GroupSlideDrawing implements SlideDrawing {
    private final HBox view;
    private SlideSize size;

    public GroupSlideDrawing(HBox view) {
        this.view = view;
        this.size = SlideSize.Predefined.HD.value();

    public void setup(SlideSize slideSize) {
        if (slideSize == null) {
        size = slideSize;

    public void draw(Slide slide) {
        var drawing = switch (slide) {
            case Slide.CodeShot codeShot -> drawCodeShot(codeShot);
            case Slide.CodeSnippet codeSnippet -> drawCodeSnippet(codeSnippet);
            case Slide.Screenshot screenshot -> drawScreenshot(screenshot);


    private Group drawCodeShot(Slide.CodeShot codeShot) {
        // TODO
        return new Group();

    private Group drawCodeSnippet(Slide.CodeSnippet codeSnippet) {
        // TODO
        return new Group();

    private Group drawScreenshot(Slide.Screenshot screenshot) {
        // TODO
        return new Group();
Initial Implementation of "SlideDrawing" Based on a "Group" Parent

Then here we draw a Screenshot Slide.

class GroupSlideDrawing | package drawing
private Group drawScreenshot(Slide.Screenshot screenshot) {
    var group = new Group();
    var backgroundView = new Rectangle();
    var screenshotView = new ImageView();
    var width = size.width();
    var height = size.height();
    var image = screenshot.image();
    var imageLeft = (width - image.getWidth()) / 2.0;
    var imageRight = (height - image.getHeight()) / 2.0;


    // Scale so it fits the ScrollPane better

    drawImage(image, screenshotView);


    group.getChildren().addAll(backgroundView, screenshotView);
    return group;

private static void drawImage(Image image, ImageView iv) {
    var shadow = new DropShadow();
    var arc = getImageCornerRadius(image);

    var roundedImage = getRoundedImage(image, iv, arc);



private static double getImageCornerRadius(Image image) {
    var minDim = Math.min(image.getWidth(), image.getHeight());
    var unitDim = 48.0;
    var unitArc = 16.0 / 4.0;
    var proportion = minDim / unitDim;
    return proportion >= 1.0 ? proportion * unitArc : unitArc * 4.0;

private static Image getRoundedImage(Image image, ImageView iv, double arc) {
    var clip = new Rectangle();
    var params = new SnapshotParameters();




    var roundedImage = iv.snapshot(params, null);

    return roundedImage;
Drawing of a Screenshot Slide

First, I take a Group as the parent of the drawing which is a basic “layout” to manually add the child positions. This basically resembles the FrameLayout from Android.

We can add nodes and shapes as children to the group, and they’ll blend, allowing us to build up our Scene.

We can add the background straightforwardly with a Rectangle Shape and the image — which is more complex — via a good old ImageView Node.

I added a temporal scale to the (group) parent, so the drawing fits the screen, as I’m not implementing zooming features any time soon.

I implemented the method getImageCornerRadius to set relative rounded corner values to the images so they keep the proportion. I based my measure as it was a round icon, then played with the proportions to settle down.

Since Group is a lower-level layout, we have the flexibility to position the children, like the image I put in the center of the parent, via its methods setX and setY.

I implemented the method getRoundedImage to build a rounded image from an Image and its ImageView with a given arc value (computed by getImageCornerRadius).

As you can see, the code here is much more imperative and temporal coupled.

To get the rounded image, you have to create a clip Shape consisting of a rounded Rectangle resembling the dimensions of the image. Now you set the image, and clip to the ImageView, and build a screenshot of the ImageView. Then, remove the clip from the image view to release any side effect.

The shadow effect can be achieved by setting a DropShadow Effect to the ImageView.

As I said, these steps depend on the order in which they’re called due to the imperativeness of the code.

But that’s not it 😂, more imperative code is waiting. The images have to be resized as per the configuration of the slide we put.

If the given image is too big — either in width or height — it has to be resized to fit the parent.

class GroupSlideDrawing | package drawing
private Group drawScreenshot(Slide.Screenshot screenshot) {
    /* ... */
    var image = screenshot.image();

    /* ... */

    fitImageView(screenshotView, image);
    drawImage(image, screenshotView);

    /* ... */

private void centerImageView(ImageView iv) {
    var imageLeft = (size.width() - iv.getFitWidth()) / 2.0;
    var imageTop = (size.height() - iv.getFitHeight()) / 2.0;

private void fitImageView(ImageView iv, Image originalImage) {
    var w = originalImage.getWidth();
    var h = originalImage.getHeight();


    // If the original image is bigger (out of bound) resize the ImageView
    if (size.width() < w || size.height() < h) {
        if (size.width() < w) {
            var hRatio = iv.getFitHeight() / iv.getFitWidth();

            iv.setFitHeight(size.width() * hRatio);
        if (size.height() < h) {
            var wRatio = iv.getFitWidth() / iv.getFitHeight();

            iv.setFitWidth(size.height() * wRatio);

private static Image getRoundedImage(Image image, ImageView iv, double arc) {
    /* ... */
    // Use the size of the ImageView instead of the original Image now
    /* ... */
Fitting the Image Size into the Drawing Group

Now we fit the size of the ImageView, draw the image, and set its position to center it.

To fit the ImageView, first, the size of the original Image is set. If these are out of bounds, the ImageView is resized keeping the proportions.

Now, when we want to know the dimensions of the image, the “source of truth” becomes the ImageView instead of the original Image.

This is the initial implementation of the drawing package that now enables us to draw a screenshot slide into the view pane of the application.

Drawing View

To separate the responsibilities and avoid making the controller a bigger coupled object, other classes can take the functions of some views. This will allow to integrate the drawing package to the app GUI.

With the current development, I added a class in the ui package to manage the GUI logic for the view pane.

This class can be extracted as an abstraction by using an interface, but it’s unnecessary to over-engineer there.

class SlideDrawingView | package ui
class SlideDrawingView {
    public record SlideState(
        SlideItem slideItem,
        ImageItem imageItem,
        Language language,
        String code,
        SlideSize size
    ) {}

    interface ChangeListener {
        void onSlideChange(SlideState state);

        void setState(ImageItem item);

    private final SlideDrawing drawing;
    private final ObjectProperty<SlideItem> slideProperty;
    private final ObjectProperty<ImageItem> imageProperty;
    private final ObjectProperty<Language> languageProperty;
    private final ObjectProperty<String> codeProperty;
    private final ObjectProperty<SlideSize> sizeProperty;
    private ChangeListener l;
    private boolean isStateLoading;

    SlideDrawingView(HBox view) {
        this.drawing = new GroupSlideDrawing(view);
        this.slideProperty = new SimpleObjectProperty<>();
        this.imageProperty = new SimpleObjectProperty<>();
        this.languageProperty = new SimpleObjectProperty<>();
        this.codeProperty = new SimpleObjectProperty<>();
        this.sizeProperty = new SimpleObjectProperty<>();
        this.l = null;
        this.isStateLoading = false;

    void setOnChangeListener(ChangeListener value) { l = value; }

    ObjectProperty<SlideItem> slideProperty() { return slideProperty; }

    ObjectProperty<ImageItem> imageProperty() { return imageProperty; }

    ObjectProperty<Language> languageProperty() { return languageProperty; }

    ObjectProperty<String> codeProperty() { return codeProperty; }

    ObjectProperty<SlideSize> sizeProperty() { return sizeProperty; }

    void init() {
        InvalidationListener updateAll = ignore -> updateSlide();


    private void onImageChange(
        ObservableValue<? extends ImageItem> observable,
        ImageItem oldValue,
        ImageItem newValue
    ) {
        isStateLoading = true;

        // Avoids rendering while all properties are being set
        if (l != null) {
        isStateLoading = false;

        // Update manually

    private void updateSlide() {
        if (isStateLoading) {
        if (imageProperty.isNull().get()) {

        var item = slideProperty.get();
        var slide = switch (item) {
            case CodeSnippet -> new Slide.CodeSnippet(codeProperty.get());
            case CodeShot -> new Slide.CodeShot(imageProperty.get().image());
            case Screenshot ->
                new Slide.Screenshot(imageProperty.get().image());


        if (l != null) {
            l.onSlideChange(new SlideState(
Implementation of "SlideDrawingView"

I’ve defined the SlideState record so we can save the slide state. Persistence is another feature that will be needed, at least at the memory level.

The ChangeListener notifies when a slide changes and when the state has to be set for a given ImageItem. The state of an item (slide) includes all params shown in the detail pane, for example.

Next, the GUI properties of this object are defined so we can communicate more efficiently between objects.

Most of the time, I add a mandatory init method to my custom views to avoid abusing the constructor.

In init, we set the properties to call updateSlide whenever they change. This is a faster-to-develop approach that is not optimized which is not part of my scope now, as I said before.

As a special case, when the image changes, onImageChange is called to perform a state loading through the ChangeListener since the change of an image means our slide also changed, so we have to update the state of the new slide visible on screen.

I just added a flag isStateLoading, to avoid rendering when the state is being loaded, to avoid multiple updates in vain when all the properties are being set at once.

Finally, to update the slide, we build the Slide from its property value and use the SlideDrawing implementation (GroupSlideDrawing) we did before to render what has to be rendered.

Recall that GroupSlideDrawing has the reference of our Group view, so it will draw on that node.

Then, onSlideChange is triggered through the ChangeListener, so the controller will be able to persist these changes.

This view will enable us to add changes to the GUI part of the drawing without overwhelming the controller and integrating other logic from the drawing package.

Updating the Controller with the Drawing View

The controller will handle the recently created view that draws the slides.

This view has a listener, that will be realized into the controller class, that is, we add the interface SlideDrawingView.ChangeListener to the class signature, and implement it next.

class AppController | package ui
private final Map<ImageItem, SlideDrawingView.SlideState> changes;

public AppController() {
    /* ... */
    this.changes = new HashMap<>();

public void initialize() {
    /* ... */

public void onSlideChange(SlideDrawingView.SlideState state) {
    changes.put(state.imageItem(), state);

public void setState(ImageItem item) {
    if (!changes.containsKey(item)) {
    var state = changes.get(item);


private void initSlideDrawingView() {
    slideDrawingView = new SlideDrawingView(slideBox);


Integration of the Drawing View into the Controller

As I explained before, we can now see the Map that will store the in-memory state. This maps a ImageItem to a SlideState.

When a slide changes, the event is received by onSlideChange from SlideDrawingView.ChangeListener, and the change is trivially stored. From this same listener, we receive the setState event, which loads the state associated with that item, if any.

Then, the initialization of this view is straightforward, like the other initializations we’ve done. Notice that we must call the init method from our custom SlideDrawingView here, as I said. Then we only have to bind the properties and the change listener.

With all this, we now have a full minimal implementation that allows us to draw a slide of type screenshot on the view pane, and from now on, we only need to extend this framework to add many other functionalities to the app, like the others kinds of slides remaining, or more visuals as well.

Code Snippet Slide

Rendering code snippets as a pretty image with styled code for any programming language is a gorgeous challenge with powerful results that resembles us a process when developing an IDE.

Code Snippet Slide
Code Snippet Slide

I pulled the PL colors assigned on GitHub to style the background to give context to the slide. The frames have shadows and rounded corners, and the code is styled the same as my IntelliJ settings, except for specific language tokens.

The slides work for as many languages as needed.

I also added caption support to end up automating my job further.

Regarding automation, I’ll keep writing my DSLs and systems with my latest MathSwe standards.

Code Snippet Slide for Many Languages
Code Snippet Slide for Many Languages

I quickly wrote a parser with various regex and data types to give semantics to the code. Recall that it has to work for any PL for this EP. I’m not adding a specific PL syntax style to this EP.

With this, I can automate my workflow, eliminate the need for many general-purpose bloated/monolithic/manual tools like Photoshop, build an API, and do plenty of more work. Of course, among many others, for example, LaTeX 🦍 is an archaic tool I’ve always wanted to eradicate, so there we go…

Another insight I got about how to increase the productivity of these domain-specific systems is to pre-parse their input via AI.

Notice AI can be a bridge between the general-purpose input and the domain-specific one, but the underlying domain will always exist.

Among the graphic rendering of the slide, they’re all about JavaFX Nodes like Shapes and normal GUI views. For backgrounds, a Rectangle shape is good. For the code chunks they’re Text nodes in a TextFlow parent.

We can get to build an IDE with these APIs. I didn’t need to use a lower-level Canvas. It was enough with JavaFX nodes, which shows how JavaFX is a powerful platform for engineering applications.

I had to do various refactorizations, and specific implementations of details, of course, so I’ll just show an overview of the development from now on and skip the details.

This way, the code snippet type of slide was left implemented as a beautiful page of custom-styled code with captions which is another big step for me to get more automation of content.

Adding a New Empty Slide

Since code snippets make sense to go in a brand-new slide only, I created a “new” button to add empty slides.

New Button for Empty Slides
New Button for Empty Slides
Creating a New Slide
Creating a New Slide

Then, a new ImageItem is created with the logo of an EP app by default. Recall these are intended to build the slide from source code instead of images, and it doesn’t have to be perfect as this is an example project.

New Slide Created
New Slide Created

This will require some minor features like saving Images via the DataRepository (because it only supported copying the file images from your directory, so far).

interface DataRepository | package data
void createOrUpdateImage(ImageItem item) throws IOException;
Definition of Method to Add an Image Object to the Data Repository
class LocalDataRepository | package data
public void createOrUpdateImage(ImageItem item) throws IOException {

    var path = pathOf(item.filename());
    var renderedImage = SwingFXUtils.fromFXImage(item.image(), null);
    ImageIO.write(renderedImage, "png", path.toFile());
Implementation of "createOrUpdateImage" into "LocalDataRepository"

The GUI change is also straightforward in the controller after updating the FXML view.

class AppController | package ui
private Button newButton;

public void initialize() {
    /* ... */
    /* ... */

private void onNewButtonAction() {
    var dialog = new TextInputDialog();

    dialog.setTitle("Slide Name");
    dialog.setContentText("Enter the slide name:");
        .filter(x -> !x.isBlank())

private void createNewSlide(String name) {
    var newImage = new Image(Objects.requireNonNull(
    var newItem = new ImageItem(name + ".png", newImage);

    try {
        setStatus("New slide created");
    catch (IOException e) {

private void initNewButton() {
    var icNew = new Image(
    var newImageView = new ImageView(icNew);

Implementation of Button to Create New Slides

Notice how we make use of the freshly implemented createOrUpdateImage of DataRepository in the method createNewSlide. As said, I pass my EP icon as a default slide image, and then it’s stored in the data directory of the app.

By adding brand-new slides to the app, we’re able to work with code snippet slides more consistently, as these don’t require image files to be generated but source code instead.

Updating the Model with the Slide Language and Caption

To update the model, I added Language as a record component, so one slide can be rendered as per its language if applicable.

interface Slide
public sealed interface Slide {
    record CodeSnippet(
        String code,
        Language language,
        Optional<Caption> caption
    ) implements Slide {}

    record CodeShot(
        Image image,
        Language language,
        Optional<Caption> caption
    ) implements Slide {}

    record Screenshot(
        Image image,
        Optional<Caption> caption
    ) implements Slide {}

    Optional<Caption> caption();

    record Caption(String title, String subtitle) {}
Adding the Language to a Slide and the Caption Record

Notice the Caption product type is not part of the Slide sum type, but a standalone record in that interface.

Now, the slides have more complete data to work on further implementations.

Code Shot Slide

This is the another kind of slide supported by the application, and it’s trivially implemented by just drawing the frame background with the color of the slide language.

This is almost the same as the screenshot slide that was done in the beginning.

This kind of slide consists of a screenshot of code (not actual code), so e.g., you can capture you’re IDE and explain what’s in the screenshot.

Code Shot Slide
Code Shot Slide
class GroupSlideDrawing | package drawing
private Group drawCodeShot(Slide.CodeShot codeShot) {
    /* ... */
    var image = codeShot.image();
    var lang = codeShot.language();
    var langColor = Colors.color(lang);

    /* ... */
Code Shot Slide Implementation

We get the color by Language via Colors.color(lang) — colors that were added above.

Other elements like captions can be added the same way they will be showed later.

Later, I added a class ScreenshotDrawing to the drawing package to reuse this code between Screenshot and CodeShot Slide implementations.

This concludes the simple implementation for this kind of slide, so we already have a minimum implementation for “screenshot”, and “code shot” slides. Finishing the “code snippet” slide is left to complete this EP.

Package Lang

To define the language elements, I added a package for this domain that provides the logic for definitions and parsings.

I defined Elements to partition the possibilities we have in a set of language semantics that can be generally found.

This implementation is general-purpose, so it works on any language, but it’s not specific to each language. That would be a ton of more work for me 🤪.

interface Element | package lang
public sealed interface Element extends Enums.ToEnum<ElementItem> {
    record Keyword(String value) implements Element {}

    record Symbol(String value) implements Element {}

    record Type(String value) implements Element {}

    record Number(String value) implements Element {}

    record StringLiteral(String value) implements Element {}

    record Comment(String value) implements Element {}

    record Other(String value) implements Element {}

    record TokenParsing(Element element) {}

    String value();

    default Class<ElementItem> enumType() {
      return ElementItem.class;
Definition of Language Elements

The sum type consists of Keyword | Symbol | Type | Number | StringLiteral | Comment | Other. They all have a String value to hold their token.

The TokenParsing type allows to return (wrap) a Element value when parsing the raw String.

The details about enums is just an implementation I made to transform 1:1 interface sum types into basic enum sum types.

class Enums
public interface ToEnum<T extends Enum<T>> {
    Class<T> enumType();

    default T toEnum() {
        return Enum.valueOf(enumType(), getClass().getSimpleName());
Type "ToEnum" that Allows to Convert an Object to an Enum Type

So, I can add ElementItem paired with the previous Element interface type.

enum ElementItem | package lang
public enum ElementItem {
Enum Sum Type "ElementItem" to Complement the "Element" Interface Sum Type

This can be trivially done in Haskell from homogeneity, but Java like any other mundane mixed-paradigm language, is heterogeneous, so an enum is a different structure than an interface. Not to say, OOP brings the whole jungle: interfaces are used as an all-in-one for many other affairs, too.

I defined the keywords in a utility class5.

class Spec | package lang
public static Class<? extends Enum<?>> keywordTypeOf(Language language) {
    return switch (language) {
        case CSharp -> CSharp.Keyword.class;
        case CSS -> null;
        case Golang -> Golang.Keyword.class;
        case Haskell -> Haskell.Keyword.class;
        case HTML -> null;
        case Java -> Java.Keyword.class;
        case JavaScript -> JavaScript.Keyword.class;
        case Kotlin -> Kotlin.Keyword.class;
        case Lean -> Lean.Keyword.class;
        case PureScript -> Purescript.Keyword.class;
        case Python -> Python.Keyword.class;
        case Rust -> Rust.Keyword.class;
        case TypeScript -> TypeScript.Keyword.class;
Definitions of Language Keywords

I obviously skipped the 500 LoC for the mechanical definition of each keyword in this class. So, here you can see how to get the keywords.

I also skipped markup or DSLs like CSS, HTML since they’re quite different 😐.

Now, another utility class (missing Kotlin and functional languages so much 🤔) to define the colors 🎨 for the language elements.

class SchemeColors | package lang
public final class SchemeColors {
    public static Color color(Element element) {
        return switch (element.toEnum()) {
            case Keyword -> Color.web("#7986cb");
            case Symbol -> Color.web("#cc7832");
            case Number -> Color.web("#0288d1");
            case StringLiteral -> Color.web("#558b2f");
            case Other -> Color.WHITE;

    private SchemeColors() {}
Definitions of Language Element Colors

Finally, I implemented a parser to get the tokens by language from the raw strings. This has many details I won’t show. I’ll just show the declarative part of it: the regex.

class Parser | package lang
private static final Pattern STRING_PATTERN
    = Pattern
private static final Pattern SINGLE_LINE_COMMENT_PATTERN
    = Pattern
private static final String PASCAL_CASE_GROUP_REGEX
    = "([A-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*)";
private static final Pattern PASCAL_CASE_TYPE_PATTERN
    = Pattern
        ( "([ (.,:]{1}|:{2}|::)"
        + "([ (.,:\\[]{1}|:{2}|::)"

public static List<String> tokens(String code){
    var delimiters = List.of(
        " ",
    var delimiterPatterns
        = delimiters
        .map(delimiter -> "\\" + delimiter)
    var delimiterPattern
        = "(?<=" + delimiterPatterns + ")|(?=" + delimiterPatterns + ")";
    /* ... */
Regex Used to Parse Language Elements

The underlying details are a long story I won’t mention as it’s out of scope, but it was a good exercise to rehearse regular expressions, and work out some abstract connects.

This allowed me to build the general-purpose heavy logic behind the front-end that styles the code snippets to produce beautiful slides for pretty much any source language.

Code Snippet Drawing

Finally, the front-end implementation in the drawing package will put the lang package together, so it can be added to the GUI app.

Recall that the package drawing contains the implementations to render the slides into JavaFX nodes.

I leave the full implementation next.

class CodeSnippetDrawing | pacakage drawing
class CodeSnippetDrawing {
    private final SlideSize size;
    private final Group group;
    private final Rectangle frame;
    private final TextFlow flow;
    private final CaptionRenderer captionRenderer;
    private final SlideSize.Predefined sizeItem;
    private final double padding;
    private final double flowPadding;
    private final double textSize;
    private final double arc;

    CodeSnippetDrawing(SlideSize size) {
        this.size = size; = new Group();
        this.frame = new Rectangle();
        this.flow = new TextFlow();
        this.captionRenderer = new CaptionRenderer();
        this.sizeItem = SlideSize.Predefined.from(size);
        this.padding = 96.0 * switch (sizeItem) {
            case HD -> 1.0;
            case FHD -> 1.25;
        this.flowPadding = 64 * switch (sizeItem) {
            case HD -> 1.0;
            case FHD -> 1.25;
        this.textSize = 20.0 * switch (sizeItem) {
            case HD -> 1.0;
            case FHD -> 1.5;
        this.arc = 48.0;

            .set(padding + flowPadding);
                .add(padding * 2.0)

    Group draw(Slide.CodeSnippet codeSnippet) {
        var code = codeSnippet.code();
        var lang = codeSnippet.language();
        var langColor = Colors.color(lang);

        renderCodeSnippetFrame(code, lang);

        var background = new Rectangle();

                .add(padding * 2.0)
                .add(padding * CaptionRenderer.zeroIfNoCaption(codeSnippet))
        clearRect(group, langColor, background);
        group.getChildren().addAll(frame, flow);

        codeSnippet.caption().ifPresent(caption -> captionRenderer.draw(group));
        return group;

    private void renderCodeSnippetFrame(String code, Language lang) {
        var shadow = newShadow();

        frame.setWidth(size.width() - padding * 2.0);
                .add(flowPadding * 2.0)

        renderCodeSnippetFlow(code, lang);

    private void renderCodeSnippetFlow(String code, Language lang) {
        var parser = new Parser<>(Spec.keywordTypeOf(lang));
        var font = Font.font("JetBrains Mono", textSize);
        var boldFont = Font.font(

            .forEach(parsing -> {
                var text = new Text();
                var el = parsing.element();

                text.setFont(el.toEnum() == ElementItem.Type ? boldFont : font);


        flow.setMaxWidth(size.width() - padding * 2.0 - flowPadding * 2.0);
        flow.setPrefWidth(size.width() - padding * 2.0 - flowPadding * 2.0);
        flow.setLayoutX(padding + flowPadding);
        flow.setLayoutY(padding + flowPadding);
Implementation of the Code Snippet Drawing

I defined some polite sizes in the constructor, so it looks good.

The method draw will return the Group with the slide drawn on it, similar to what’s been done before.

To render the code nicely, the method renderCodeSnippetFlow employs the Parser developed previously and parses the tokens from the raw code String variable that comes with the underlying Slide.

Then, for each token, a Text Node is created with the token value (it can be a keyword, symbol, etc.). The styles are gathered from what I defined as per my IDE custom settings. For example, the text color is set from that dictated by the SchemeColors utility class module via text.setFill(SchemeColors.color(el)).

Regarding captions, if they’re present, they’ll be added to the Group as a normal VBox with Labels and another Rectangle for its background. This implementation is given by the class CaptionRenderer I added to the package drawing as well, so it can be reused to draw captions on any kind of slide.

All measures and bindings are set up correctly to build up the whole slide.

I added sent some methods to a utility class Drawings, like clearRect, getImageCornerRadius, and getRoundedImage.

This drawing provides the group node with the code snippet rendered so that we can add it to the app view pane.

Rendering Captions

This caption drawing implementation is reused by other kinds of slides as mentioned before.

It consists of the class CaptionRenderer that was used in the Code Snippet Drawing snippet. | pacakage drawing
class CaptionRenderer {
    private final Rectangle captionFrame;
    private final VBox captionBox;
    private final DoubleProperty heightProperty;
    private final DoubleProperty widthProperty;
    private final DoubleProperty xProperty;
    private final DoubleProperty yProperty;
    private double contentArc;

    CaptionRenderer() {
        this.captionFrame = new Rectangle();
        this.captionBox = new VBox();
        this.widthProperty = new SimpleDoubleProperty();
        this.heightProperty = new SimpleDoubleProperty();
        this.xProperty = new SimpleDoubleProperty();
        this.yProperty = new SimpleDoubleProperty();
        this.contentArc = 0.0;


    void setContentArc(double value) {
        contentArc = value;

    DoubleProperty widthProperty() {
        return widthProperty;

    DoubleProperty heightProperty() {
        return heightProperty;

    DoubleProperty xProperty() {
        return xProperty;

    DoubleProperty yProperty() {
        return yProperty;

    void draw(Group drawing) {
        drawing.getChildren().addAll(captionFrame, captionBox);

    void renderCaption(Slide.Caption caption) {
        var titleLabel = new Label();
        var subTitleLabel = new Label();
        var shadow = newShadow();
        var font = Font.font("Poppins", 24.0);
        var captionArc = contentArc * 2.0;
        var boldFont = Font.font(

        captionBox.setPadding(new Insets(32.0, 64.0, 32.0, 64.0));


        if (!caption.subtitle().isBlank()) {
            captionArc *= 2.0;


        shadow.setRadius(shadow.getRadius() / 2.0);

    static double zeroIfNoCaption(Slide slide) {
        return slide.caption().isPresent() ? 1.0 : 0.0;
Implementation of the Caption Drawing

By decoupling this responsibility, as shown above, I was able to draw same-style captions for the other kinds of slides too.

Putting the Drawing Together

It’s about time to complete the code snippet slide development.

By putting the lang and drawing packages together as was done before, we got the drawing Group that relies on the logic defined in lang to render the composition.

Adding the CodeSnippetDrawing to the GroupSlideDrawing (method drawCodeSnippet) concrete implementation of SlideDrawing is all we need to delegate this implementation. The CodeSnippetDrawing decouples the classes by taking that responsibility out of GroupSlideDrawing.

This way, the code snippet slides are fully available in the application.

Drawing Shapes

Rendering various kinds of shapes is a fit exercise to practice in this JavaFX application. They can be lines, rectangles, or circles.

Drawing Shapes
Drawing Shapes

This can give you the ability to annotate certain parts of slides, and even better, these annotations can be automated.

First, we must begin from the domain, in this case, the drawing definitions and implementations for shapes that will support the app. After working out the domain, we figure out any automation that can be applied to the domain language, as said at the beginning of Domain Engineering.

First, I defined the shapes I wanted to draw.

enum ShapeItem
public enum ShapeItem {
Defining the App Shapes Sum Type

To start making this feature take shape (pun intended), let’s go to the UI updates on the controller side.

After updating the app.fxml file with the ComboBox to select the shape to draw and Button for undoing changes, the logic on the controller is next.

class AppController
@FXML private ComboBox<ShapeItem> shapeComboBox;
@FXML private ComboBox<Palette> shapePaletteComboBox;
@FXML private Button shapeBackButton;

private void initSlideDrawingView() {
    // ... //
    // ... //
Implementing the Shapes UI

Then, another controller will be needed to separate the logic for the drawing on top of the slides.

This new controller will therefore work with the SlideDrawingView.

class SlideDrawingView
private final SlideDrawingController controller;

SlideDrawingView(HBox view) {
    this.controller = new SlideDrawingController();
    // ... //

void setViews(
    ScrollPane scrollPane,
    ComboBox<ShapeItem> shapeComboBox,
    ComboBox<Palette> shapePaletteComboBox,
    Button shapeBackButton
) {
Adapting a new Controller for Drawing on Slides

Leading to the implementation of the UI inputs performed by user drawings.
class SlideDrawingController {
    private final Deque<ShapeRenderer> shapes;
    private final ObjectProperty<ShapeItem> shapeProperty;
    private final ObjectProperty<Palette> paletteProperty;
    private Group group;
    private ScrollPane scrollPane;
    private boolean shiftPressed;

    SlideDrawingController() {
        shapes = new LinkedList<>();
        paletteProperty = new SimpleObjectProperty<>();
        shapeProperty = new SimpleObjectProperty<>();
        group = null;
        scrollPane = null;
        shiftPressed = false;

    void setDrawing(Group value) {
        if (group != null) {
        group = value;


    void setScrollPane(ScrollPane value) {
        scrollPane = value;

    void setShapeComboBox(ComboBox<ShapeItem> value) {
        value.setConverter(new Enums.EnglishConverter<>(ShapeItem.class));

    void setShapePaletteComboBox(ComboBox<Palette> value) {
        value.setConverter(new Enums.EnglishConverter<>(Palette.class));

    void setShapeBackButton(Button value) {
        var icBack = new Image(
        var iv = new ImageView(icBack);

        value.setOnAction(event -> popShape());

    private void bindEvents() {
        group.setOnMousePressed(event -> {
            if (event.getButton() != MouseButton.SECONDARY) {
            var startX = event.getX();
            var startY = event.getY();
            var shape = pushShape();

            shape.start(startX, startY);

        group.setOnMouseDragged(event -> {
            if (event.getButton() != MouseButton.SECONDARY) {
            if (shapes.peek() == null) {
            var shape = shapes.peek();
            var currentX = event.getX();
            var currentY = event.getY();
            var normX = normalizeX(currentX);
            var normY = normalizeY(currentY);

            shape.end(normX, normY);

        group.setOnMouseReleased(event -> scrollPane.setPannable(true));

        group.sceneProperty().addListener((observable, oldValue, newValue) -> {
            newValue.setOnKeyPressed(event -> {
                if (event.getCode() == KeyCode.SHIFT) {
                  shiftPressed = true;

            newValue.setOnKeyReleased(event -> {
                if (event.getCode() == KeyCode.SHIFT) {
                  shiftPressed = false;

    private void unbindEvents() {

    private void addShapes() {
        shapes.forEach(shape -> shape.setGroup(group));

    private ShapeRenderer pushShape() {
        var renderer = new ShapeRenderer();
        var shape = switch (shapeProperty.get()) {
            case Rectangle -> new Rectangle();
            case Circle -> new Circle();


        return renderer;

    private void popShape() {
        if (shapes.isEmpty()) {
        var shape = shapes.pop();


    private double normalizeX(double x) {
        var bounds = group.getBoundsInLocal();
        return Math.max(0.0, Math.min(bounds.getWidth() - 1.0, x));

    private double normalizeY(double y) {
        var bounds = group.getBoundsInLocal();
        return Math.max(0.0, Math.min(bounds.getHeight() - 1.0, y));
Handling Drawings on Top of Slides

As you can see, there’s a Deque of ShapeRenderer containing the stack of shapes drawn on the Slide. By leveraging the stack data structure via the LIFO (Last In First Out) property provided by Deque (impl. via LinkedList), the “undo” button can be trivially implemented.

When binding events, a shape is set to be rendered, and the scroll pane is no longer pannable, which disables the scroll on the slide view while drawing a shape. This continues until the process is complete, and then the scroll pane gets back to normal.

The SHIFT key is detected to read when the user wants to keep the proportions of the shape. This will be useful when implementing their rendering.

The color to paint the shapes comes from the Palette enum, with Good and Error values.

The rest are implementation details.

Finally, the ShapeRenderer responsible for drawing a shape is coming next. | package drawing
public class ShapeRenderer {
    private final Shape shape;
    private final Palette palette;
    private Group group;
    private double startX;
    private double startY;
    private double endX;
    private double endY;
    private boolean keepProportions;

    public ShapeRenderer(Shape shape, Palette palette) {
        this.shape = shape;
        this.palette = palette; = null;
        this.startX = 0.0;
        this.startY = 0.0;
        this.endX = 0.0;
        this.endY = 0.0;
        this.keepProportions = false;

    public void setGroup(Group newGroup) {
        group = newGroup;


    public double getStartX() {
        return startX;

    public double getStartY() {
        return startY;

    public double getEndX() {
        return endX;

    public double getEndY() {
        return endY;

    public void remove() {

    public void keepProportions(boolean proportions) {
        keepProportions = proportions;

    public void start(double x, double y) {
        startX = x;
        startY = y;

    public void end(double x, double y) {
        endX = x;
        endY = y;

    public void render() {
        switch (shape) {
            case Line line -> renderLine(line);
            case Rectangle rectangle -> renderRectangle(rectangle);
            case Circle circle -> renderCircle(circle);
            default ->
                throw new IllegalStateException("Unexpected shape: " + shape);

    private void renderLine(Line line) {
        var color = Colors.color(palette);


        if (keepProportions) {
            var xDiff = Math.abs(startX - endX);
            var yDiff = Math.abs(startY - endY);
            var horizontal = xDiff >= yDiff;

            if (horizontal) {
            else {
        else {

    private void renderRectangle(Rectangle rectangle) {
        var width = Math.abs(endX - startX);
        var height = Math.abs(endY - startY);
        var arc = getCornerRadius(width, height);

        rectangle.setX(Math.min(startX, endX));
        rectangle.setY(Math.min(startY, endY));

    private void renderCircle(Circle circle) {
        var width = Math.abs(endX - startX);
        var height = Math.abs(endY - startY);
        var radius = Math.max(width, height);

        circle.setCenterX(Math.min(startX, endX));
        circle.setCenterY(Math.min(startY, endY));
Implementing Rendering of Shapes

A Group (coming from SlideDrawingView, implemented via GroupSlideDrawing at method draw) is used as a canvas to draw the shapes. Recall that Group nodes are good in JavaFX for drawing shapes. So, this group is put on top of the slide to create the composition.

The shapes are trivially drawn via JavaFX API and integrated into the corresponding slide.

Notice the flag keepProportions is used to keep the aspect ratio of the shape when the key SHIFT is pressed. This is useful to draw straight lines, for instance.

Finally, I recorded a video to demonstrate the shapes feature in the app.

Drawing Shapes on Slides

The drawing of lines, rectangles, and circles is a finished feature aimed at making (off-domain) annotations on top of the (domain) slides and can be extended properly thanks to computer science concepts applied to this application module.

Integrating AI via OCR

There’s a feasible way to implement an AI application here, taking into account the slides that were composed before. AI can operate on these slides to extract further information, like text from screenshot-based slides.

OCR Word Selection
OCR Word Selection

The feature consists of detecting words from images (screenshots), so we have valuable information for the user to accurately select or underline words without relying on manual mouse precision.

From the image above, you can see how words on the IntelliJ screenshot are selected and how I trivially underlined the main package in one go.

Notice how images or screenshots are out of the app domain since they’re binary or compiled data from the wild world, unlike code snippet slides where it’d be relatively trivial to implement word selection since we have the source code in the JavaFX TextFlow component, so it’s part of the app domain.

An OCR implementation matches a strategic use case for showing how AI can automate a system by working on external systems consisting of binary images containing information that can be extracted and transformed into our domain language.

Setting up Tesseract

Tesseract OCR is one of the main open-source projects I found, so I could detect text in Java via the Tess4J library that wraps it.

Since the project setup was simple as said in Getting Started, there’s no build tool to avoid complicating it more.

Thus, for adding the Tesseract library, you might want to add it via IntelliJ IDEA to your project if you’re not using a build system.

IntelliJ : Adding the Tesseract for Java Lib
IntelliJ : Adding the Tesseract for Java Lib

The module tess4j has to be added to the Java project source code, that is, update the module-info file.
module {
    // ... //
    requires tess4j;
    // ... //
Requiring "tess4j" in the Project Java Module

It’s important to follow the instructions I left in the resources/ file since you must download and copy the tessdata directory from its repository to run the OCR model in the app 6. This directory contains the eng.traineddata file with the English data to load the model.

The tess4j library will allow us to call the Tesseract OCR API in Java and infer the text boxes on the slides.

Implementing the AI Package

Then, I created a package ai to separate the logic for AI-only code to start writing the new AI feature logic.

package ai
 * Provides tools that help the application automate the user workflow. For
 * example, automated OCR text selection with bounding boxes instead of
 * selecting text boxes with the mouse pulse.
Creating the AI Package

I also created a similar package with a different domain. AI is an implementation layer on top of the app, so if we’re going to draw AI shapes (like bounding boxes, which are an AI field rather than slide responsibilities), then those AI shapes must be placed in a different package than drawing. I added a subpackage ai to it.

 * Provides implementations for AI-based drawings on top of slides.
Creating a Drawing Package Special for AI Shapes

The package will be used later on the front-end side to consume the AI logic.

To implement the AI back-end or AI package, we have to get bounding boxes inferring words provided by an image. Then, we have to define the AI features that will be supported by the app, that is, OCR.

class Ocr | package ai
static List<BoundingBox> textBoxes(Image image) {
    var boxes = new ArrayList<BoundingBox>();
    var tesseract = new Tesseract();
    var bufferedImage = SwingFXUtils.fromFXImage(image, null);
    var dataRes = Ocr.class.getClassLoader().getResource("tessdata");

    if (dataRes == null) {
        throw new RuntimeException(
            "tessdata not found in the app resources directory"
    try {
        var dataPath = Path.of(dataRes.toURI()).toAbsolutePath().toString();


        var words = tesseract.getWords(

        for (var word : words) {
            var rect = word.getBoundingBox();

            boxes.add(new BoundingBox(
    catch (URISyntaxException e) {
        throw new RuntimeException(e);
    return boxes;
Reading Word Boxes from an Image

The OCR output will be read as a list of BoundingBox from the javafx.geometry package.

Then, the tessdata is loaded from the app resources directory, a new Tesseract model is created and set up with the training data, language (English), and other options that can work to tune the model.

Notice how a bufferedImage is created with the javafx.swing package to convert the input JavaFX Image into a (AWT) BufferedImage that is required by the tess4j API 7.

This BufferedImage is passed to the getWords method, and the result is mapped to domain BoundingBox objects.

As a side note, try not to use low-quality or small images since these will make the model have a hard time detecting anything 😆.

The method textBoxes of the (utility) class Ocr will provide the word boxes given any image, which makes our work done regarding external AI integration.

Regarding the AI application model, I defined a SlideAI sum type to define the AI features.

interface SlideAI | package ai
public sealed interface SlideAI {
    record OcrWordDetection(List<BoundingBox> wordBoxes) implements SlideAI {
        public static OcrWordDetection from(Image image) {
            return new OcrWordDetection(Ocr.textBoxes(image));
AI Supported by the App

The framework developed in the AI package enables the app to consume the OCR model to add rich automation features to existing slides.

AI Drawing

As said before, AI has its own shapes to implement. We won’t only infer the abstract boxes where words are detected by Tesseract but also draw them just like other drawings done for building the slides.

The development takes place in the package to decouple the drawing of Slide from the drawing of AI elements, as mentioned before.

public interface AIDrawing {
    void setup(AIShape shape);

    Group draw(Group slideDrawing);

    void clear();
Defining the Structure of an AI Drawing

One shape will be defined, that is, the WordSelection AIShape, which will represent the selection the user is performing with the mouse.

public sealed interface AIShape {
    record WordSelection(
        List<BoundingBox> wordBoxes,
        Stateful<BoundingBox, State> wordFocus
    ) implements AIShape {
        public static WordSelection of(SlideAI.OcrWordDetection detection) {
            return new WordSelection(detection.wordBoxes(), new WordSelectionState());

    enum State {

    static Color color(State state) {
        return Color.web(switch (state) {
            case Normal -> "#388e3c";
            case Hovered, Selected -> "#1b5e20";

    static Color fill(State state) {
        return switch (state) {
            case Normal -> Color.TRANSPARENT;
            case Hovered -> Color.web("#1b5e20", 0.4);
            case Selected -> Color.web("#0D47A1", 0.6);
Defining the AI Shapes Required

Notice how AIShape is a sum type consisting of the WordSelection product type only, as we don’t need other shapes for AI to work on the app.

Imagine a WordSelection as the text you highlight with a marker but also has a hover/selected state (i.e., when you pass the mouse over a word).

The color and fill functions match the AI Shape State to a border and background color, respectively.

Now, there’s a peculiarity in the static construction method of WordSelection. It introduces the ai package to the package by transforming a list of BoundingBox (i.e., an OcrWordDetection value from the package ai) into a WordSelection (of the package

Notice how an external type like an AWT Rectangle from the AI output has been transformed into domain types like JavaFX BoundingBox, then OcrWordDetection of the ai package, and now to WordSelection of the package. Each part of a DSL code must have its definitions to make sense of the code or be semantic. Recall that data types save information. This app is not a DSL, but it gets close.

Regarding the Stateful value required to create a WordSelection, it’s more of an implementation detail to handle the states among all the words selected around.

 * Defines an object that has state, thus the focus in a list of other objects.
public interface Stateful<T, S> {
    record Focus<T, S>(T object, S state) {}

    void set(T newObject, S newState);

    Optional<Focus<T, S>> get();
Stateful AI

The Stateful interface receives two generic types for the object to hold the Focus (or attention in the GUI) and the type for the state it can have, like hover, for instance.

Then, I added a utility class to provide a Stateful object for the WordSelection AI shape. We know now that it’ll be implemented as implements Stateful<BoundingBox, AIShape.State>, since the element to focus is a BoundingBox matching a selection of word(s), and this can have an AIShape.State like Normal, Hover, or Selected.

Now, the drawing or funny part is left to complete the package.

public class GroupAIDrawing implements AIDrawing {
    private final Group group;
    private AIShape ai;

    public GroupAIDrawing(Group drawing) {
        group = drawing;
        ai = null;

    public void setup(AIShape shape) {
        ai = shape;

    public Group draw(Group slideDrawing) {
        switch (ai) {
            case WordSelection ocr -> drawWordSelection(
        return slideDrawing;

    public void clear() {

    private void drawWordSelection(
        Iterable<? extends BoundingBox> boundingBoxes,
        Stateful<? extends BoundingBox, State> state
    ) {
        boundingBoxes.forEach(boundingBox -> drawBoundingBox(

        state.get().ifPresent(focus -> drawBoundingBox(

    private void drawBoundingBox(
        BoundingBox boundingBox,
        State state
    ) {
        var rect = new Rectangle();

AI Drawing Implementation

The class GroupAIDrawing implements the AIDrawing interface defined first, so the OCR can be represented in the app via the method drawWordSelection after draw is called.

Notice how this design can scale since we have an AIShape sum type being matched in the method draw. It’d be trivial to add more AI shapes, and if you forget to implement them, it won’t compile.

The implementation of the AI-drawing package allows us to represent the OCR integrated into the package AI via stateful bounding boxes.

JavaFX Word Detection

Once the OCR API is ready, the new AI features have to be implemented on the JavaFX side of the app. One part of this was already done in the AI drawing package, so the GUI logic is left to finish.

For handling the user events, I created another class for the AI controller.

class AIController
private final ObjectProperty<OcrWordDetection> wordDetectionProperty;
private Group group;
private SlideAIView aiView;
private Image slideDrawingSnapshot;
private BackgroundStatus status;

AIController() {
    wordDetectionProperty = new SimpleObjectProperty<>();
    group = null;
    aiView = null;
    slideDrawingSnapshot = null;
    status = null;

void setStatus(BackgroundStatus newStatus) {
    status = newStatus;

void init(Group slideDrawing) {
    group = slideDrawing;
    aiView = new SlideAIView();
    slideDrawingSnapshot = null;


void onShowTextBoxes() {;

void onHideTextBoxes() {

private void loadSlideDrawingSnapshot() {
    if(slideDrawingSnapshot == null) {
        var params = new SnapshotParameters();
        var invScaleX = 1.0 / group.getScaleX();
        var invScaleY = 1.0 / group.getScaleY();

        params.setTransform(new Scale(invScaleX, invScaleY));
        slideDrawingSnapshot = group.snapshot(params,null);

private void loadOcr() {
    setStatusMsg("Loading AI...");

        () -> {
            try {
                var det = OcrWordDetection.from(slideDrawingSnapshot);

                Platform.runLater(() -> {
                    setStatusMsg("AI loaded");
            catch (RuntimeException e) {

private void loadOcr(OcrWordDetection det) {

private void clearOcr() {

private void setStatusMsg(String msg) {
    if (status != null) {
Initial OCR Integration on the JavaFX App

It has a wordDetectionProperty for the OcrWordDetection (product) type defined before. Recall this type was defined to establish the AI features that the app will support. Now, we’re implementing those features (i.e., OCR word detection).

That property will update the bounding boxes of detected words. So, if you press the OCR button (F1), those boxes will load, so the AI controller will reflect them on the screen. This can be readable from the loadOcr and clearOcr methods.

When initializing this controller, the Group where the Slide is rendered is taken as a base to infer the text. The AIController works with its SlideAIView, which will be added later.

The AI view can be shown or hidden since it’s a layer on top of the original slide. If AI has already been computed, there’s no reason to keep evaluating or running the model again. You might only want to hide or show the AI results (boxes), given the slide didn’t change, of course.

Notice how I used a snapshot of the slide Group loading in loadSlideDrawingSnapshot only once. This takes the appropriate image sizes by reverting any scale or zoom in the Group view (i.e., the main slide view in the center of the app).

In loadOcr, a virtual thread is used to infer the bounding boxes from the OCR model 8.

The status messages are the labels I implemented in the right-bottom of the app. I added a status message to the left bottom when starting the development. Now, I saw the opportunity to add a secondary label to the right bottom to notify about other tasks.

After the initial results on the controller side, I added an FSM to handle another state required by this problem: I needed AI invalidation to infer the OCR only once, provided the slide hadn’t changed. This solves performance issues if you press the OCR key several times without modifying the slide.

class SlideDrawingController
private final AIInvalidation aiInvalidation;

SlideDrawingController() {
    // ... //
    aiInvalidation = new AIInvalidation(this::loadAI);
    // ... //

void setDrawing(Group value) {
    // ... //
    // ... //

private void bindEvents() {
    // ... //
    group.sceneProperty().addListener((observable, oldValue, newValue) -> {
        if (newValue == null) {
        newValue.setOnKeyPressed(event -> {
            switch (event.getCode()) {
                case SHIFT -> shiftPressed = true;
                case F1 -> onF1Pressed();

        newValue.setOnKeyReleased(event -> {
            switch (event.getCode()) {
                case SHIFT -> shiftPressed = false;
                case F1 -> aiController.onHideTextBoxes();
    // ... //

private void onF1Pressed() {

private void loadAI() {

private static final class AIInvalidation {
    private final Runnable validator;
    private boolean isInvalid;

    AIInvalidation(Runnable validator) {
        this.validator = validator;
        this.isInvalid = true;

    void validate() {
        if (isInvalid) {
        isInvalid = false;

    void slideChanged() {
        isInvalid = true;
Optimizing Redundant Model Inference
AI Invalidation Handling

I don’t usually pass references in the constructor like new AIInvalidation(this::loadAI); to avoid cycles, but it’s fine for now, since I’m using plain JavaFX with MVC.

It’s readable that the methods validate make the model up to date, whether it’s invalid or is already valid, and slideChanged invalidates the model, so the next time, validate will make sure to load AI again.

When the F1 key is pressed, the OCR is activated, which validates the AI system resulting in up-to-date and optimized inference, so we can now show the text boxes loaded into the AIController.

The implementation of OCR is about to be completed in the application.

Now it’s about time for the mouse hover detection.

class SlideAIView
private final ObjectProperty<WordSelection> wordSelectionProperty;

void setWordSelectionFocus(BoundingBox box, State state) {
    var sel = wordSelectionProperty.get();

    sel.wordFocus().set(box, state);
AI Mouse Event Detection
class SlideDrawingController
private void bindEvents(){
        event -> aiController.onMouseMoved(event.getX(), event.getY())
    group.setOnMouseExited(event -> aiController.onMouseExited());
        group.setOnMousePressed(event -> {
        if (event.getButton() == MouseButton.SECONDARY) {
            var startX = event.getX();
            var startY = event.getY();
            var shape = pushShape();

            shape.start(startX, startY);

        else {
AI Mouse Event Detection
class AIController
private final ObjectProperty<WordSelection> wordSelectionProperty;

void onMouseMoved(double x, double y) {
    if (aiView == null) {
    if (!aiView.isShowing()) {
    if (wordSelectionProperty.isNull().get()) {
    var match = wordSelectionProperty
        .filter(box -> box.contains(x, y))
        // Avoid selecting the whole slide box
        .filter(box -> box.getHeight() < 100.0)

        box -> aiView.setWordSelectionFocus(box, State.Hovered),
        () -> aiView.setWordSelectionFocus(null, null)

void onMouseClicked() {
    if (aiView == null) {
    if (!aiView.isShowing()) {
    if (wordSelectionProperty.isNull().get()) {
    var sel = wordSelectionProperty.get();
    var focus = sel.wordFocus();

        stateFocus -> aiView.setWordSelectionFocus(

void onMouseExited() {
    if (aiView == null) {
    aiView.setWordSelectionFocus(null, null);
AI Mouse Event Detection

I skipped further details for the sake of brevity.

Some adjustments had to be made, for example, for filtering out the slide box (the whole slide) that is detected by OCR (because slides contain text, but we only want to select simple text, not containers) via filter(box -> box.getHeight() < 100.0).

Now, the mouse events are available, along with all the overwhelming OCR back-end, which leads us to the final feature for automated underlining.

The JavaFX implementations for the AI controller are mostly complete with the logic to integrate the packages AI and AI-drawing, with all the required tooling like filters and mouse events for handling bounding box states. Among the required tooling, there was also the AI invalidation FSM to fix performance issues by disabling redundant OCR invocations.

Said cross-domain implementations make the app able to detect text from images when pressing the F1 key.

Clever Word Underlining

Now that text is detected in the app via OCR, many advanced features can branch from here. The feature established for this stage was automatic word underlining.

Word underlining takes place when you click a word on the slide.

I took the existing event onMouseClicked from the AIController and returned an optional Line if there was an underline action from the user.

class AIController
Optional<Line> onMouseClicked() {
    // ... //
    var sel = wordSelectionProperty.get();
    var focus = sel.wordFocus();
    // ... //
    return focus
        .map(rect -> new Line(
Implementing Word Underlining

The focus comes from sel.wordFocus();, which is the Stateful<BoundingBox, AIShape.State> object implemented in the package If there’s a Focus<BoundingBox, State>, it’s mapped to a JavaFX Line.

The event when there’s underlining can be gathered from the SlideDrawingController, which is an appropriate abstraction to handle it.

class SlideDrawingController
private void bindEvents() {
    // ... //
    group.setOnMousePressed(event -> {
        if (event.getButton() == MouseButton.SECONDARY) { /* ... */ }
        else {
                .ifPresent(line -> {
                    var shape = pushShape();

                    shape.start(line.getStartX(), line.getStartY());
                    shape.end(line.getEndX(), line.getEndY());
    // ... //
Underlining a Word when Clicked

Finally, the Line that lies below a word in an image is inferred after passing through a complex OCR and cross-application-domain process, which enables us to draw it just like any other shape that the app can already draw.

This is the beauty of simplicity. The process is overwhelming but simple. In the end it’s just about drawing a trivial shape, but you need to know where.

As a side notice, I also made other works to the app to make it usable, like saving slide changes (efficiently using Map, of course), zoom (which changes the slide Group scaling), default values, and any other kind of work under the hood a responsible SW engineer tackles in the everyday duty. Out of all this, performance fixes can be vastly applied to this app, but that’s not what an EP consists of.

Words can be underlined so far, but the system can be more clever.

I defined an operation to sum lines underlined in the same row so you can keep underlining all the way left or right in the same row after an initial selection.

class AIController
private final List<BoundingBox> aiBoxes;

AIController() {
    // ... //
    aiBoxes = new ArrayList<>();
    // ... //

void init(Group slideDrawing) {
    // ... //
    // ... //

Optional<Line> onMouseClicked() {
    // ... //
    return focus
        .map(this::sumLine); // ← sum it instead of returning it

private Line sumLine(BoundingBox rect) {

    var selection = aiBoxes
        .filter(box -> isInSameRow(rect, box))
        .reduce((b1, b2) -> {
            var x1 = Math.min(b1.getMinX(), b2.getMinX());
            var x2 = Math.max(b1.getMaxX(), b2.getMaxX());
            var y1 = Math.min(b1.getMinY(), b2.getMinY());
            var y2 = Math.max(b1.getMaxY(), b2.getMaxY());
            return new BoundingBox(x1, y1, x2 - x1, y2 - y1);

    if (!selection.equals(rect)) {
    return new Line(

private static boolean isInSameRow(BoundingBox rect, BoundingBox box) {
    return box.getMinY() <= rect.getMaxY() && box.getMaxY() >= rect.getMinY();
Adding Lines in the Same Row
Clever Underlining

Now, some MSWE comes into handy to evaluate these operations. First, recall that we get the word boxes from OCR, so we can still work with them here, before transforming them into plain lines.

Once the boxes belong to the same row, they’re reduced to the clever BoundingBox by taking polite space among all the word boxes.

Nothing can be that easy. There’s something to fix, according to me.

Clear AI Lines Commit
Clear AI Lines Commit

So, we have to remove redundant drawings of AI lines.

I created a method getFocusLinesInRow returning a List<Line> in the AIController with the lines in the same row of the current word Focus. Notice this is a temporarily coupled functionality.

Then, a method clearAiLineRow is called in SlideDrawingController before drawing the AI underlining. This takes the current row lines, filters them, and removes the redundant line shape.

I recorded a video to show what this feature looks like in action.

OCR Word Detection for Automated Underlining

The single-word and multi-word underlining is finally implemented, which proved an appropriate AI application for this JavaFX app.

OCR Side Effects

The OCR integration has to be further engineered to make the model predictions useful. This includes removing bloat like the background from the slide to sanitize the data as much as possible so the segmented image passed to the model provides much certainty of its results.

Notice how a white background introduces a side effect to the model, which seems to infer that (white) text is part of the background. Therefore, text’s not detected.

OCR Side Effects

This magnifies when the background is white, but the effect exists, disregarding the background color.

AI is not “magic,” as you have to clean your data and input so it matches the ones the model was originally designed for. This includes responsibility for both the model designers and consumers.

Needless to say, for engineering-grade models, one must leverage strongly typed (functional) languages to ensure expected correctness. That’s a minimum requirement I’d expect from engineers since it bounds the overwhelming black box of these deep learning models.

Notice how I use the term “expected correctness” referring to mathematical expectation. Black box models are stochastic, so we expect them to be correct in the long run as a pattern.

Recall that in mathematical sciences, we study the order of randomness. Even something stochastic has to converge to some expected value, that is, the mathematical pattern we ought to study.

If we know the pattern, we can turn a system into engineering-grade ✔.

For an OCR app, we expect well-defined metrics or patterns until a certain degree. I emphasize well-defined because I’ve worked with subjective ML metrics, which are generic/popular and therefore meaningless, so again, you must be proficient in your domain. AI is not magic. You must build the same good OL’ engineering and math under the hood.

If you know me, you know the answer: engineer for the domain as much as possible first. The simplest designs are the best. You don’t need over-bloated AI or solutions most of the time. Of course, many businesses won’t care about this, but the marketing buzzwords instead, unfortunately.

For this app, leveraging OCR is a valid approach to enhance the user workflow when it comes to screenshots, but the goal must be domain-based to optimize for source code slides instead of binary images. Remember when I said that word detection was trivial for code snippet slides? Now compare trivial to ML models that had to be trained with supercomputers of 5 years ago 💸 and worldwide data.

For this app, the major and first fix to clean the model’s input is to classify or segment the screenshot out of the background, which simplifies the OCR input.

Segmenting the image is trivial in theory since the slide is a composition of both the image and background. That is, the screenshot is part of the app domain.

However, in practice, this is harder than it looks since it requires more design. What I mean is that systems are expensive to engineer (properly). Particularly, MSWE is specialized, so you will hardly find competent SW engineers with a mathematician’s background.

Stochasticity is inherent in black-box models, and terrible side effects arise when poorly engineered. We first must eradicate the side effects by leveraging domain facts as much as possible. Therefore, stochastic behavior is consistent, making our model engineering-grade.

Automating the User Workflow via AI

AI is a set of complex and complicated emerging technologies that can be wisely leveraged to automate many works for our domain as a pattern.

Screenshot slides have text information, so whenever there’s information, we shall extract it to enrich our systems with informed actions and decisions, which was the reason I devised implementing OCR for the Slides EP.

The OCR implementation consisted of finding a respectable open-source library that can be consumed from Java to avoid cloud provider costs and keep documentation in the project via an installable dependency.

It consisted of a cross-domain design, from the selected Tesseract OCR library to the ai,, and ui application packages.

I’ve shown how these models are a valid technique for empowering users with automation for external systems like binary files generated out of the application while leaving clear how crucial it is to have a domain-first approach when engineering systems, so we rely on simple solutions that create elegant complexity.

Designing an Auto Save Mechanism

One mandatory feature for a modern application is to provide a safe and intelligent saving mechanism to preserve the state of the app and the user’s work.

I’ve worked on the application UI states in memory. Now, I implemented the save slide feature with an automatic system to make the app even more usable.

First, I extracted the data paths used by the app to a utility class, so this can be trivially replaced by real environment settings in a real case.

class Env | package data
public static final String DATA_ROOT = "data";

public static final String SAVE_DIR = Path
    .of(DATA_ROOT, "presentation")
Environment Variables

The auto-save feature takes place in the package ui, introducing the package data again.

class AutoSave {
    private final DataRepository repository;
    private final SaveInvalidation saveInvalidation;
    private Group group;
    private ImageItem currentSlide;
    private BackgroundStatus status;

    AutoSave() {
        repository = new LocalDataRepository(Env.SAVE_DIR);
        saveInvalidation = new SaveInvalidation(this::saveSlide);
        group = null;
        currentSlide = null;
        status = null;

    void enable(boolean enable) {

    void setDrawing(Group newGroup) {
        group = newGroup;

    void setStatus(BackgroundStatus newStatus) {
        status = newStatus;

    void onSlideChanged(ImageItem newItem) {
        // setDrawing has not been called yet for the newItem!

        currentSlide = newItem;
        group = null;

    void onDrawingChanged(ImageItem newItem) {
        currentSlide = newItem;


    void saveSlide() {
        if (group == null) {
        var params = new SnapshotParameters();
        var invScaleX = 1.0 / group.getScaleX();
        var invScaleY = 1.0 / group.getScaleY();
        var slideFilename = currentSlide.filename();

        status.setStatus("Saving " + slideFilename + "...");
        params.setTransform(new Scale(invScaleX, invScaleY));
        var snapshot = group.snapshot(params, null);
        var slide = new ImageItem(slideFilename, snapshot);

        Thread.startVirtualThread(() -> {
            try {

                Platform.runLater(() ->
                    status.setStatus(slideFilename + " " + "saved")
            catch (IOException e) {
                Platform.runLater(() -> status.setStatus(e.getMessage()));
Auto Save Implementation

The AutoSave has a DataRepository from the package data implemented as a local repository to save to the disk. It has a SaveInvalidation FSM similar to the AIInvalidation that had the state when AI is loaded and up to date to avoid redundant model invocations. This way, the save FSM will perform the side effects only when necessary.

The auto-saving can be activated via the enable method. It has the drawing Group that is what we want to save. The BackgroundStatus is the right bottom label shown to notify updates.

Auto Save Menu Item
Auto Save Menu Item

When the drawing changes, it’s called onDrawingChanged, which employs the save FSM to invalidate the save state, and then it invokes validateLater to run the saving action in the background.

The method saveSlide reference is passed to the save FSM via new SaveInvalidation(this::saveSlide), which applies the proper scaling to the slide Group, and it runs a virtual thread to use the LocalDataRepository to store the slide snapshot in the background. Then, it updates the UI safely, informing the slide was saved.

The SaveInvalidation implementation takes place as a static nested class.

class AutoSave
private static class SaveInvalidation {
    static final long WAIT_TIME_MS = 2_000L;
    final Runnable validator;
    boolean isInvalid;
    boolean isEnabled;
    volatile long lastTime;

    SaveInvalidation(Runnable validator) {
        this.validator = validator;
        this.isInvalid = true;
        this.isEnabled = true;
        this.lastTime = 0L;

    void enable(boolean enable) {
        isEnabled = enable;
        isInvalid = false;

    void validateLater() {
        if (!isInvalid || !isEnabled) {

        Thread.startVirtualThread(() -> {
            var timeDiff = System.currentTimeMillis() - lastTime;

            if (timeDiff < WAIT_TIME_MS) {
                try {
                    Thread.sleep(WAIT_TIME_MS - timeDiff);
                catch (InterruptedException e) {


    void validateNow() {
        if (!isInvalid || !isEnabled) {
        isInvalid = false;
        lastTime = System.currentTimeMillis();

    void slideChanged() {
        isInvalid = true;
Save Invalidation FSM

The method slideChanged invalidates the save state.

The method validateNow runs the saving effect, then it validates the state with slideChanged and saves the current time to avoid bloating the CPU if there are more changes continuously.

Lastly, when validateLater is called, it starts a virtual thread that runs within a minimum WAIT_TIME_MS span, and after waiting for any necessary cool-down time, it calls validateNow. Hence, “later” because of the multithread behavior.

The AutoSave class was integrated into the SlideDrawingController to set the drawing and change events.

The repository specified and implemented in the package data, the saving logic, and a state machine made it possible to implement a robust auto-saving mechanism for the slides app, which adds further automation under the hood, besides the AI implemented in the previous section.

Automation of Screenshots and Code Snippets Content

I foresaw an opportunity to develop a gorgeous example project to start my automation journey for content like screenshot stories and code snippet slides.

This is my first blog with EP, and it was extremely extensive. I blogged the development process with high granularity and left insights, as I usually do.

The implementation was feasible with JavaFX, as expected, which shows how JavaFX is a powerful platform for well-defined engineering applications. Although the app is an example project, the development was significantly complex. Also, remember that we can use Kotlin with Arrow to further enrich the platform’s robustness via functional approaches for the domain languages.

There were good exercises for putting into practice tools such as JavaFX, new Java 21+ features, and regular expressions. The exercises scaled up to the level of an advantageous AI OCR integration that left plenty of insight into domain automation.

The development of this EP was the next step to take —from theory to practice— many design concepts and standards I had devised before.

The main package slides defined the domain of the application, while several others were required to design the desktop app, namely, the ui, data, drawing,, and ai packages containing the development of features such as drag-and-drop, item arranging, menus with shortcuts, pagination, advanced drawing of both slide shapes and AI shapes, advanced parsing of code snippet language tokens, captions, cross-domain OCR word manipulation for automated underlining, and essentials like auto-saving and under-the-hood requirements to enhance the app design and usability.

The final development results turned into a desktop app with a master-view-detail layout able to create three kinds of slides: code snippet, code shot, and screenshot. The code snippet slides are mainly encouraged since they belong to the domain by consisting of source code, while the other two consist of binary images as inputs.

The slides app is a system that allows us to optimize the building of domain-specific presentations. As a math software engineer, such achievement boosts my automation tools one step further in these graphical domains, leading to fastening future undertakings.


  1. Photopea is a free web app that resembles Photoshop and has been my choice for many years 

  2. In this case, two ImageItems are equal if their names are equal 

  3. The binary Image field made it impossible to update the same item from a List with different object instances but the same name 

  4. It doesn’t have to be a GP PL, like HTML or CSS which are niche languages 

  5. I used ChatGPT to generate the keywords, and GitHub language colors, i.e., the mechanical job 

  6. I didn’t track those files in Git because they’re nasty binary files and third-party on top of that, so you have to copy them manually 

  7. This conversion from JavaFX to AWT is similar to when saving snapshots to the disk 

  8. Make sure to implement a thread-safe implementation, see how I use the Platform.runLater call to send updates to the JavaFX UI thread