Designing the Angle Geometry for an Oriented Segment

Line segments oriented by an angle and orthogonal design concepts led to an engineering-grade draft of a language I designed in Haskell. It defines angles with high-level forms in the geometric domain, showing greater insight and skill for related domain languages.

The Line Type of Canvas Play

I’m correcting some design flaws in the Java Canvas Play for the Line sum type I described before. This way, I’ll build a DSL to draw —among others— line segments easily. The motivation for these DSLs, I have to say, is primarily about drawing fractals for production at my will.

One of the primary concerns of the initial design is that a Line consisted of Segment, HSegment, and VSegment products, while Segment made redundant the other two. On top of that, the last two are redundant in structure, so I suggested in the article to make the product types conceptually orthogonal to induce a partition that fixes the design and introduce a soft sum type (i.e., enum) to factorize the fields of both HSegment and VSegment into one physical record with logical variants instead.

The ugliness of Java makes me go to Haskell to think clearly about exactly what I need to do instead of loading an overhead of idiotic (and unnecessary) language details.

So, I was drafting a more robust language to study the separate concepts concerning the design I’m finishing in Java to go back with powerful insights for the next project’s PRs.

Angle Definitions

When working with Haskell, I became eager to go further, so I wrote the languages needed for the Line DSL regarding angle definitions. These definitions are not requirements for me now, but they’ll be useful in the future for engineering math software.

First, I used the DataKinds, GADTs, and TypeFamilies language extensions, which can be enabled via pragmas at the source file header. I also imported the Maybe monad for an implementation until the end.

I defined the types of angles there are so I could build up from these domain truths.

newtype Angle = Angle Double
    deriving (Show, Num)

newtype Acute = Acute Angle -- (0-90)

newtype Obtuse = Obtuse Angle -- (90-180)

newtype ReflexObtuse = ReflexObtuse Angle -- (180-270)

newtype ReflexAcute = ReflexAcute Angle -- (180-360)
Initializing the Domain Design
Angle Types

The types allow understanding the semantics of the code, but it’s still not safe. One should use LiquidHaskell to define the subsets of the refinement types. However, I’m not doing that since I only need the design, not the production code, and this is hard to achieve in Java (the targeting language) anyway1. Something about refinement types in Java might happen, according to this recent project inspired by ML and Haskell, and this paper, but I haven’t tried them in Java so far.

These definitions can be defined for general angles for multiples of the base angles in [0, 360) degrees if needed and provide a solid domain understanding and inference options.

So, now we have the constant angles lying on the axes.

data QuadrantalAngle
    = Zero
    | Right
    | Straight
    | ReflexRight

angle :: QuadrantalAngle -> Angle
angle x = Angle $ case x of
    Zero        -> 0
    Main.Right  -> 90
    Straight    -> 180
    ReflexRight -> 270
Quadrantal Angle Sum Type

With the above definitions, I could model angles that cover the entire cartesian plane and develop further DSL insights.

Leveraging Powerful Functional Abstractions

From here, I started designing higher-level constructs. First, we can think in terms of the cartesian quadrants.

data Quadrant = QI | QII | QIII | QIV
Quadrants of the Plane

So, I can define a GADT for the four types of angles defined previously.

data QuadrantAngle (q :: Quadrant) where
    AngleI   :: Acute        -> QuadrantAngle 'QI
    AngleII  :: Obtuse       -> QuadrantAngle 'QII
    AngleIII :: ReflexObtuse -> QuadrantAngle 'QIII
    AngleIV  :: ReflexAcute  -> QuadrantAngle 'QIV
Defining Angle Types by Quadrant

The above GADT starts employing advanced features, namely, GADTs itself and DataKinds, where I use the phantom parameter type q to enforce the type of QuadrantAngle to create from the data constructors. So, I can build a QuadrantAngle of 'QI (i.e., the promoted data constructor QI of Quadrant), etc.

With the type safety above, I can enforce a function that requires an angle belonging to the first quadrant, for example:

fn :: QuadrantAngle 'QI -> Angle
fn (AngleI (Acute a)) = a + (angle Straight)
Example Function Taking Angles in QI

If you try to match nonsense like:

fn (AngleII (Obtuse a)) = a * (angle ReflexRight)
Matching for Other Cases is Nonsense

The program compilation will disallow to proceed with the output:

• Inaccessible code in
    a pattern with constructor:
      AngleII :: Obtuse -> QuadrantAngle 'QII,
    in an equation for ‘fn’
  Couldn't match type ‘'QI’ with ‘'QII’
Unable to Match Erroneous Logic Thanks to the Functional Type System
Requires a QI Angle

This is because I defined fn above to take only angles in the first quadrant, so any other case like AngleII that belongs to other quadrants will fail to compile. In other words, if the program compiles, then it’s already mostly correct because the very application logic is encoded into the functional type system. Now, it depends on you as the engineer to encode that domain logic correctly.

Of course, if you try this system further, like calling the function with ill-types, results in:

let valid = fn $ AngleI $ Acute 20
let wrong = fn $ AngleIV $ ReflexAcute 340
• Couldn't match type ‘'QIV’ with ‘'QI’
  Expected: QuadrantAngle 'QI
    Actual: QuadrantAngle 'QIV
• In the second argument of ‘($)’, namely
    ‘AngleIV $ ReflexAcute 340’

The type system provided by functions (i.e., by FP) is one of the most powerful engineering tools, and you won’t find it elsewhere in ordinary programming languages. Provided only by FP, for example, type and data constructors are functions, data constructors are promoted to type constructors, type families are “functions for types,” etc.

I learned and put into practice many concepts of Haskell and its top type system, based on type theory, where everything is a function, including type and data constructors, thus inducing advanced abstractions like type families, GADTs, etc. This is in contrast to non-functional languages that can only be randomly designed via a pragmatic variety of workarounds.

I also have to say this work is part of my end-of-year memories, where I learned a lot more while doing related research for my next publication at MSW Engineer, which will remind me of the past 2023/12/31.

With the previous work, I devised an engineered draft giving insight for further math DSLs, by leveraging the angle types defined first and creating abstractions for the plane quadrants, leading to higher-level definitions.

High-Level Angles

What’s left is to finish composing the results into high-level angles that operate over the cartesian plane in the range of [0, 360) degrees.

Connecting the details of the previous section, I defined a type family to map the type of angles to their corresponding quadrant to ensure correctness and simplicity —as always.

type family AngleQuadrant a :: Quadrant where
    AngleQuadrant Acute        = 'QI
    AngleQuadrant Obtuse       = 'QII
    AngleQuadrant ReflexObtuse = 'QIII
    AngleQuadrant ReflexAcute  = 'QIV
Mapping Angles to their Quadrant

Then, I created a type class to convert the values. So, if I need a QuadrantAngle, it can help for doing let angle = toQuadrantAngle $ Acute 48 instead of let angle = AngleI $ Acute 48, which requires client knowledge of the specific quadrant or data constructors you have to use, according to the angle you have.

class ToQuadrantAngle a where
    toQuadrantAngle :: a -> QuadrantAngle (AngleQuadrant a)

instance ToQuadrantAngle Acute where
    toQuadrantAngle = AngleI

instance ToQuadrantAngle Obtuse where
    toQuadrantAngle = AngleII

instance ToQuadrantAngle ReflexObtuse where
    toQuadrantAngle = AngleIII

instance ToQuadrantAngle ReflexAcute where
    toQuadrantAngle = AngleIV
Straightforward Type Class Implementation

The type family helped simplify the parameters of the ToQuadrantAngle class and the client code because it defines the quadrant corresponding to each type of angle, so we can engineer that information into the type system. This is an instance (no pun intended) of how type families are so powerful as “functions for types.”

Finally, I created the type for covering all possible angles (without including their multiples).

data MeasuredAngle where -- [0-360)
    InAxisAngle     :: QuadrantalAngle -> MeasuredAngle
    InQuadrantAngle :: QuadrantAngle q -> MeasuredAngle
Sum of All the Possible Angle

The sum types are conceptually orthogonal —which is simple to understand in a functional language2 while a stone in the shoe in OO/mixed3 languages4—. Therefore, I have a correct design where the sum types induce a partition of orthogonal products that simplifies the programs since all physical and logical redundancies are eliminated. Then, we have independent concepts that can be composed as demonstrated above.

A plane angle is represented via orthogonal definitions: quadrantal angles plus angles that belong to one of the four quadrants.

The design built from the angle definitions, and the angles by quadrant in the cartesian plane resulted in an expressive rigorous definition of angles in the [0, 360) degrees set.

The Power of Domain Language Engineering

Notice that, all the languages (a.k.a. DSLs) I’ve created here come from math, so nothing is made up. That is, I’m a domain expert —which is the main requirement to be a math software engineer.

One of the remarkable skills of mathematical software engineering is the scientific research component.

It’s also important to notice this since DSLs are expensive to engineer. I take plenty of resources to make formal sense of everything I create. Once I achieve results, it pays off forever, since I relativize, that is, relate everything to everything, so one improvement in one part of the system improves everything else (i.e., relative not absolute), etc.

Therefore, with a well-informed background coming from objective domains, we can build engineering-grade software which must be the major goal of any software engineer.

The Oriented Segment of Canvas Play

With all the study and design in Haskell, I encountered my design in the JavaFX project of Canvas Play clearly and already wrote the new API for line segments, including the ADT for oriented segments.

An oriented segment is a line segment defined by an angle and radius. This is an important standard of MathSwe since it optimizes the center, making it symmetric. For example, when you draw, your target point should be the center of the figure, and then scale it. Other definitions I like are valid transformations but non-primary. I like the “a line is defined by two points” definition.

With the code and insights I’ve created, I can also unify all this together in Canvas Play (Java).

I also created Haskell code for the line segments I mentioned in the introductory article. I’ll leave the playground drafts here, as well, for the record.

class Orientation a orientation where
    orientation :: a -> orientation

data AxisOrientation = Horizontal | Vertical

instance Orientation QuadrantalAngle AxisOrientation where
    orientation x = case x of
        Zero        -> Horizontal
        Straight    -> orientation Zero
        Main.Right  -> Vertical
        ReflexRight -> orientation Main.Right

data AcuteOrientation
    = Acute15
    | Acute30
    | Acute45
    | Acute60

instance Orientation Acute (Maybe AcuteOrientation) where
    orientation (Acute (Angle a))
        | a == 15   = Just Acute15
        | a == 30   = Just Acute30
        | a == 45   = Just Acute45
        | a == 60   = Just Acute60
        | otherwise = Nothing

-- mod Algebra
data Sign = Positive | Negative

-- Imported from mod Shape
class Area a where
    area :: a -> Double

class Minus a where
    minus :: a -> a

-- mod Shape.Line
data Line = Segment Double Double Double Double

instance Area Line where
    area _ = 0

instance Minus Line where
    --  Dummy implementation, the structure is what mattered here
    minus (Segment sx sy ex ey) = Segment (sx - 1) (sy - 1) (ex - 1) (ey - 1)
Devising the Design for Oriented Segments for Canvas Play
Drafts with General Conclusions

It left my mind clear by getting close to the actual problem. This is how the FP-first mindset allows you to do a better job, even if the target language has nothing to do with FP.

This way, I just mentally compile the design devised optimally in FP terms to a program written in the Java way.

Engineering Geometry Languages in Haskell with Insights

Further language designs primarily concerning Canvas Play arose many insights requiring good analytical judgment to be addressed. Thus leading to Haskell. To clarify the underlying, I just wrote the definitions for angles so I could finally address the oriented segment and further design challenges in Canvas Play.

I started with general angles consisting of real numbers, with an Angle type with a Double data representation. Then, the design scaled to refinement types of independent angles belonging to a common subset, like Acute, and the quadrantal angles, like Right. All the definitions are orthogonal, so far so great. Much greater when abstractions are applied to create more high-level orthogonal concepts like MeasuredAngle consisting in angles of [0, 360] degrees and providing an engineering-grade API thanks to the functional type system of Haskell.

The language specification for angles results in one more enabler for my instinct when engineering DSLs, where I’ve been enforcing the proper understanding of the theory with concepts like orthogonality to produce quality software. The above notions are useful for the API for an oriented segment

  1. You can validate fields in any programming language and even return Optional in Java (don’t use exceptions as they’re an ill-design), but that’s barely a runtime check 

  2. Good design that Haskell encourages 

  3. It becomes hard to see and achieve in OO languages because they’re inherently over-engineered 

  4. For example, data constructors are not functions but objects, and then each extra object creates one more (sub)type in all the idiotic JVM languages (Java, Kotlin, and Scala), which is total nonsense —part of the research I’ve been doing