Ensuring Principle Compliance: This Line Sum Type is Not a Partition (2023/12/07)

Ensuring Principle Compliance: this Line Sum Type is Not a Partition 2023 12 07

A Line shape from the initial DSL in Canvas Play is a study case of why sum types must induce partitions in their underlying set, emphasizing the need to comply with mathematical principles to detect these flaws.

Initial DSL for Drawing Shapes in Canvas Play

Lately, I designed a small math DSL in Java and JavaFX for drawing high-level 2D shapes in my new project Canvas Play, which I’m currently preparing for the first PR including the initial design of this DSL.

I don’t plan to use Java in the long term (Kotlin, HTML5, Purescript, etc. are coming next) since it’s more of an exercise language for me. You know, the “brain muscle.”

Designing DSLs requires being a domain expert (i.e., mathematician) and granular design effort.

Exploiting Java for anything out of the mundane “corporate” software is a severe challenge, so it’s on me. I’m always taking challenges. Of course, it’ll never be a good language for non-conservative programs, but I need the exercises, hence canvas play.

The initial design is currently done, but there are several flaws in this stage that I need to address.

I always have a paradigm vision in my head. I think about how to solve problems properly (and trivially) in Haskell and then write the Java code. Since I’m proficient in Java, I know how to do it “the Java way 😖,” after first stating it in an FP mindset.

This is when the adage of knowing FP turns you into a better programmer takes place. Of course, I’m a math software engineer and take this to its finest.

So, the final phase of the initial DSL design in Canvas Play has left some design concerns I should share.

Sum Types must be Partitions

Complying with the principles is essential to leverage a powerful DSL that inherits mathematical properties, such as following the potential partitions created when we define sum types.

A sum type for the set of all triangles T has to be a collection of subsets of triangles, and the sum (union) of them is T, but they also have to create a partition.

That is, if T = Equilateral | Isosceles | Scalene, then:


And they’re disjoint subsets: A,BTAB=.

Remember that, “Two sets are called disjoint if, and only if, they have no elements in common”[1].

This is a form of polymorphism where the subsets of the partition (the product types like Equilateral) share the same physical1 properties, so we can simplify (or homogenize) our problem if we need to work with equilateral triangles in specific, for instance.

An equilateral triangle has its three sides equal, an isosceles two sides and a scalene triangle has no side length equal. So, T is a partition of the set of all triangles, because an Equilateral type can’t be Isosceles, etc. That is, the subsets or product types are mutually disjoint.

Unlike some kinds of open polymorphisms (like ad hoc), sum types must be created to partition a given set you know well. I mention this because of exhaustive pattern matching.

The class of equilateral triangles allows us to work with simplified equations and assumptions. Similarly, we can define a triangle as a sum type (partition) of triangles according to their angle: T' = Acute | Right | Obtuse. Thus leveraging other properties induced by the equivalence classes of the partition (e.g., can use the Pythagorean theorem for the class of right triangles).

They’re all triangles whether you define them using T or T'. The difference is the property you need to optimize, like side lengths or angles.

Now, I mention that sum types should be partitions or consist of mutually disjoint subsets (assuming they sum up an underlying set) because the compiler won’t check for that. It’s up to your definitions as the designer. So, sum types can be created with overlapping subsets, but you have to avoid it.

If your subsets overlap, two of them may share elements in common, so implementations (expressions) will be more generic and thus bloated. If they’re disjoint, you can and know how to optimize since you leave the overhead behind and decouple the problems. Then decoupling leads to composition, etc., that is, engineering-grade software.

Simplifying by defining sum types for a given set makes implementations more efficient as well, since equations become trivial for specific problems (that could be executed many times), unlike general bloated equations.

Remember when the sin and cos become zero or one, and the expressions become trivial from the math courses? That’s exactly what I’m talking about. Now, imagine those simplifications have performance implications. Hence, we engineer math software —software that inherently comes from math.

If subsets are disjoint, the sum type creates a partition. From this, we can also infer that the sum type is an equivalence relation since all partitions induce an equivalence relation (reflexive, symmetric, and transitive) [2]. All equivalent relations also induce a partition on the underlying set [3].

The fact of being a partition (union of mutually disjoint subsets or product types) makes sum types Algebraic Data Types (ADTs): operations like sums (unions), product (cartesian), and properties like equivalent classes are leveraged to do the algebra.

This is all basic theory all (competent) software engineers must know well. If you have a math major and practice real-life SWE, you happen to be on top theoretically, as that’s the breading air of solving problems efficiently. Then this is not an obstacle for you because you already understand the math language2.

I highly recommend reading the references I left if you want to understand Haskell classes or ad hoc polymorphism —study all about equivalent classes and partitions.

Sum types are ADTs providing a kind of polymorphism that allows us to create specific types of a given type with exhausting pattern matching. Even though its product types can overlap, you must avoid it to create mutually disjoint subsets, leading to leveraging the properties of partitions to apply ADTs properly and employ their algebra more powerfully.

Current Design of a Line Shape

The initial design that came into mind required supporting line segments in general and trivial types of segments like horizontal or vertical.

The proper definition of a Line is crucial for the DSL since polygons are made up of lines, and shapes are filled with solid polygons. That includes a universe of creations, so the objective here is to notice the current design flaws. It’s an objective as well to create awareness of how important it is to notice a design.

First, we have the sealed interface to denote the union: public sealed interface Line extends Shape in Line.java. The records defined there are Segment, HSegment, and VSegment.

The Shape base interface is just defining the area for now.

Regarding virtual methods (because this is Java), we have the following:

interface Line
double sx();

double sy();

double ex();

double ey();

Line minus(double minusRadius);

default double area() {
    return 0.0;
Virtual Methods of a Line

The area of a Line is zero by default since they’re one-dimensional shapes, so they don’t have any area in a 2D space.

Now, the product types are implemented as follows.

interface Line
record Segment(
    double sx,
    double sy,
    double ex,
    double ey
) implements Line {
    public Segment minus(double minusRadius) {
        var x = ex - sx;
        var y = ey - sy;
        var angle = atan(y / x);
        var dx = minusRadius * cos(angle);
        var dy = minusRadius * sin(angle);
        return new Segment(
            sx + dx,
            sy + dy,
            ex - dx,
            ey - dy
A Segment Represents an Arbitrary Line Segment
Type Segment of Line

There are many “validations” to check, but they must be part of the type system instead of imperative tricks with primitive-obsession. They’re defined as much as the DSL gets more robust.

Notice how a general Segment is trivially implemented because of the property methods sx, sy, ex, and ey (start and end points) of Line automatically implemented in Segment.

So, minus was left to implement, and it had complex expressions to subtract or trim the segment into a new one. One “minor” flaw is readable since I have to check for x different from zero. Of course, I can’t use nasty exceptions.

There’s no reason to keep using exceptions in modern programming, but you know, it’s Java. Fun fact 🐯: the Result type (used in Android Kotlin, Rust, or anywhere you want) is a sum type consisting of Ok or Err.

Then, we have HSegment and VSegment, which are trivial types of lines.

record HSegment(
    double cx,
    double cy,
    double radius
) implements Line {
    public double sx() { return cx - radius; }

    public double sy() { return cy; }

    public double ex() { return cx + radius; }

    public double ey() { return cy; }

    public HSegment minus(double minusRadius) {
        return new HSegment(cx, cy, radius - minusRadius);

record VSegment(
    double cx,
    double cy,
    double radius
) implements Line {
    public double sx() { return cx; }

    public double sy() { return cy + radius; }

    public double ex() { return cx; }

    public double ey() { return cy - radius; }

    public VSegment minus(double minusRadius) {
        return new VSegment(cx, cy, radius - minusRadius);

Something to consider is that all the designs (MathSwe universally) are centered to be symmetric and simple. So, shapes are drawn from the center by default.

The horizontal and vertical segments have the same physical structure, so it’s inefficient to keep that redundancy. The solution can be to factor out the repetition and create a simple (soft) enum (enums can be basic sum types in Java) to denote its orientation.

Well, the solution is not as easy because of what I said about the importance of getting the Line design right at the beginning of this section.

The coordinate properties (start/end points) don’t play well and are a bit redundant. This can be eventually fixed. This happens because Line is not a partition, so concepts get more bloated since we’re not working with orthogonal records —consequences of boilerplate or redundancy.

One out-of-scope detail to add is a data type for points, so we don’t use raw double primitives.

Naming is another frequent severe challenge here 😵. You must be a domain expert (and FP expert) in granular terms to get this all the way right. It also takes a huge amount of resources like time, experience, etc.

I work out challenges per layer, like my EPs, blogs, playgrounds, etc.

Now, there are concerns in this playground’s incipient stage, but the reason for this article comes here: Line is not a partition.

In Haskell terms, we have this definition:

data Line
    = Segment { sx :: Double, sy :: Double, ex :: Double, ey :: Double }
    | HSegment { cx :: Double, cy :: Double, radius :: Double }
    | VSegment { cx :: Double, cy :: Double, radius :: Double }
Definition of Line in Haskell

It’s readable that Segment defines all the possible line segments, leaving HSegment, VSegment, and any other type redundant, so the Line type has overlapping (not mutually exclusive) subsets.

You can also see how the expressions in the minus function simplify when the angle is zero or straight (horizontal or vertical line) since atan(y / x), cos(angle), and sin(angle) get trivial. If the segment is vertical, then x = ex - sx = 0, so this implementation of minus in Segment will have to play well with subsets where expressions get trivial like HSegment or VSegment in order to compose.

Adding to what I said about the repetition in the records HSegment and VSegment: If the physical representation (hard) is the same, then the difference (between a horizontal or vertical line) must be a relation (soft), as I also described before. These are mathematical rules to simplify or factorize programs.

Finally, I finish here without a final solution yet since I’m working in a playground, leaving the insight and a design so robust will take a much different approach and language. From now on, I’ll keep refactorizing the Java playground as I go, and as needed because I’m soon creating (and staying) with the Kotlin and HTML5 playground to optimize the little DSL.

Identification of Design Flaws in Sum Types

From the initial DSL, I’m about to merge in Canvas Play, I spotted several (expected) design flaws usual in the incipient development and design stages. These are related to sum types, so I wrote the documentation about this study case.

Sum types are ADTs whose algebraic power can be exploited further as far as our design coherence.

When engineering software, we must ensure compliance with underlying principles, like inducing partitions in sum types, since —as said above— this likely depends on our design or domain to be coherent and not on the compiler.

It was seen how a triangle sum type creates a partition, where its product types or records are orthogonal by being mutually disjoint, leading to independent problems that can be addressed and composed. This is how FP has to be employed.

Regarding the current design of a line in the Java playground, some flaws were noticed, like the need for mutually disjoint subsets, and hard/physical duplication of records.

Studying these flaws makes awareness of how essential it is to verify the compliance of mathematical principles in software and domain design since it is what opens our minds on how to go through the right way.


[1] Epp, S. (2010). Discrete Mathematics with Applications (4th ed.).Section 6.1: Partitions of Sets.

[2] Epp, S. (2010). Discrete Mathematics with Applications (4th ed.).Section 8.3: Equivalence Relations. Theorem 8.3.1.

[3] Epp, S. (2010). Discrete Mathematics with Applications (4th ed.).Section 8.3: Equivalence Relations. Lemma 8.3.3.

  1. The same physical properties because they’re product types or records 

  2. Talking to someone who’s not a mathematician (even a terrible one, at least) is never the same, as they will never speak the same language; between math majors, we understand each other because we are formally trained, so it’s a feeling of being “in family,” and I know this because math is a closure: you build math with math, you must be part of the closure