Pi Day (2024/03/14)

Pi Day (2024/03/14)
Piaxid Monochromatic 2/4: Project Implementation

On Pi Day 2024, there’s a focus on rigorous project implementation, meaningfully remarking the number Pi (π) and the capital Pi (Π) symbol, which denotes the product operator. While dependent product types, or Pi types, are advanced formalizations defined under Π in computer science, Π can also express the number π through an infinite Wallis product in math.

The uppercase letter Π (capital Pi) denotes the product operator in math. While sets have the cartesian product operation, we can apply such an algebra of sets to computer science via product types. While the symbol Π appears in math, we can also employ it in ATDs (Algebra Data Types) like product types and much more.

Similar to how math notation uses Π for the product operator, we can denote the summation via the uppercase sigma letter (Σ) [5]. Thus, we can denote sum types (like enums) under Σ and product types (like tuples or records) under Π.

Let A,B be types.

S=A+B={Tj}{A,B}Tj P=AB={Tj}{A,B}Tj

The disjoint union or sum type S induces a partition of A,B.

A product type AB represents a term with an element of A and an element of B [4]. So, the Π symbol can denote the basic product type P defining the pairs (a,b) where aAbB.

A program defining data types for Color components and values can depict basic types like these.

Sum and Product Types
Sum and Product Types

The orthogonal components R, G, and B can partition an RGB color. So, S defines an adequate partition to create a Color. On the other hand, Color is a product type defining the set of all colors (r, g, b) where rR,gG,BB.

The theoretical concepts above can be efficiently implemented in a purely functional language like Haskell.

newtype R = R Int  -- [0, 255]
newtype G = G Int  -- [0, 255]
newtype B = B Int  -- [0, 255]

data ColorComponent = Red R | Green G | Blue B

data Color = Color { red :: R, green :: G, blue :: B }
Expressing Math Concepts like ADTs in Functional Languages
Defining Sum and Product Types in Haskell

The product type Color is defined as a record or nominal tuple to add fields enhancing the underlying language semantics (each tuple component has a label or associated accessor function).

Further, notice that a product type can be seen as an ADT with only one data constructor or sum type with one only variant in Haskell since a product type is isomorphic to such ADT. That is, algebraic data types with one constructor are isomorphic to a product type, and product types are also the dual of sum types. [6]

The dualities mentioned show how Π is ubiquitous in mathematics and computer science.

A dependent type is an advanced abstraction essential to formalize information of our types that depend on runtime values. Some of them can be dependent products or dependent sums.

A function codomain (or return type) can vary according to its argument value. For example, a function that takes a non-negative integer n and returns a list of length n at type level.

Dependent types can be like the type An of length n vectors, An×m of n×m matrices, trees of height n, and sorted lists and sorted binary trees. Also, notice that dependent types can also be index sets. For example, An is a type family indexed by n. [2]

One may define a tree of height n as a 3-tuple1 where the height of its root node is n, that is, (V,children:VP(V),rootV) and height:VZnoneg where height(r)=n. Therefore, we can engineer the height-n trees into the type system, resulting in engineering-grade software where the type of the tree depends on a runtime value n, specifying how “tall” the tree will be at type level.

Dependent types are specialized abstractions where a type can be a function of runtime values, thus fully encoding the domain into the type system. Therefore, their role in computationally verifying mathematical proofs and building engineering-grade/certified software is essential.

Some important dependent types are the dependent product types that generalize product types. A type B is a function of (or depends on) the value of a type A.

A dependent product type is defined under the Π symbol, and thus called a Pi type.


They can also be denoted as (x:A)B(x).

A dependent product type x:AB(x) is the type of “dependently typed functions” assigning to each x:A an element of B(x), for the dependent type x:AB(x):Type [3].

Product types are thus a particular case where B is constant, so xAB(x)=B.

A product type can be related to logical conjunction and, in predicate logic, to a universal quantification model (∀). Similarly, a sum type or disjoint union can be related to logical disjunctions and, in predicate logic, to an existential quantification model (∃). [2]

The duality in both product and sum types is also reflected in their notations since both can use the capital Pi letter. Dependent product types are denoted under , while dependent sum types, or dependent coproducts, are denoted under but also [7].

The capital Pi symbol (Π) is present in a vast amount of math and computer science, as shown with dependent products/coproducts with their duality and further relations in other domains like logic.

After noticing the magnificence of the symbol Π, we can explore how the constant Pi (π) can be expressed as an infinite product.

The number π can be found in the Wallis product [1]:


While some proofs require integral calculus and trigonometry, others are more straightforward and require elementary math, like the Pythagorean theorem, basic algebra, and the circle area πr2. Others use complex trigonometric identities while still avoiding calculus. This formula can also involve geometric constructs and proofs with inequalities and sequences. There are a variety of proofs with different requirements, either involving elementary math, geometry, and also calculus for the advanced ones. [1]

The Wallis infinite product defines the number π under its own capital letter , which shows a relation of Π and π in math.

The product operator (capital Pi, or Π) and the constant π are ubiquitous in math and computer science.

In type theory and functional programming, dependent types, like dependent products, employ the capital Pi symbol Π. Thus, dependent product types are called Pi types since the Π symbol denotes the math product. Moreover, the symbols and depict the duality between products and coproducts.

Advanced formal computer science constructs like dependent types enable comprehensive domain engineering at the type level. Since types can depend on runtime values, dependent types are particularly remarkable in computational theorem proof and enabling software engineering-grade capabilities such as program verification.

Project implementations may cover engineering-grade software such as mathematical software (MSW) and others that must be mathematically certified, like aircraft software.

While Π and π don’t have a direct relation since the former is a symbol and the latter is a number, an infinite product under the symbol can express the number π, thus giving us a philosophical relation between both. So, the constant π shows us its ubiquitousness when expressed in terms of its own capital symbol Π through an infinite product.

The remarkable presence of the symbol Π and the constant π in math and computer science gives us plenty of insight to fulfill engineering-grade project implementations.


[1] Johan Wästlund (2007) An Elementary Proof of the Wallis Product Formula for pi, The American Mathematical Monthly, 114:10, 914-917, DOI: 10.1080/00029890.2007.11920484

[2] Bove, A., & Dybjer, P. (2009). Dependent Types at Work. In Lecture Notes in Computer Science (pp. 57–99).

[3] Dependent Product Type. nLab.

[4] 2.1 Product Types | Lecture 04.1: Algebraic Data Types and General Recursion. CS 242: Programming Languages, Fall 2017 | Stanford.

[5] Contributors to Wikimedia projects. (2023, October 22). Pi (letter). Simple English Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia.

[6] Wikipedia contributors. (2023, November 12). Product type. Wikipedia.

[7] Idea | Dependent Sum Type nLab.

  1. Or as a record with three fields since records are nominal tuples