Overriding Hash Code and Equals in a Multi-Representation Record

Certain models, like email addresses, can hold multiple alternatives or synonyms of the same model to provide different representations but the same functionality, thus leading to noise that must be filtered out for functionality purposes.

Multiple Email Representations

An email model consists of a local name followed by an @ symbol and a domain name. While this is pretty simple, they might also contain noise like dots and + symbols for various purposes.

For example, joedoe@place.com is a canonical or base form of an email while accepting the (infinitely many) variants joe.doe@place.com, joe.doe+aksfnsfs@place.com, etc.

In programming terms, an email model can be a record with multiple representations. That is different email values for readability or testing purposes but corresponding to the same functionality. Therefore, emails can be equal (or not) depending on your abstraction.

Email Type

I created the Email record in Kotlin, thus using a data class and overriding toString, hashCode, and equals.

 * Represents an email address consisting of a local part and a domain name.
 * The local part may contain periods (".") or plus signs ("+"), where any
 * content after a plus sign ("+") and any additional periods (".") are
 * ignored for the purpose of determining email equality.
data class Email(val local: String, val domain: String) {
    val normalized: String = "${normalizedLocal(local)}@$domain"

    override fun toString(): String = "$local@$domain"

    override fun hashCode(): Int = normalized.hashCode()

    override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean = other is Email
      && domain == other.domain
      && normalizedLocal(local) == normalizedLocal(other.local)
Email Implementation

The function normalizedLocal will provide the base form of the local field to remove the redundancy, so enabling uniqueness for that value.

The equals implementation matches the other generic object to an Email type to check the rest of the field matching. This would be done via instanceof (JDK16) in Java. The hashCode equals the normalized (main form without repetition or canonical) email value.

Implementing hashCode is a key (pun intended) for discerning among Email objects, like in a Set or Map.

The hashCode and equals methods have to be overridden in this case since the Email type has many representations of the same model, so all the redundant emails boil down to the main form and then compare for equality.

Email Normalization Definitions

Important definitions are required for finishing the previous Email implementation. They regard the definitions given first for dots (.) and plus (+) symbols.

 * It removes the redundancy of an email local value containing dots (.).
fun normalizedLocalDot(local: String): String =
    local.replace(".", "")

 * It removes the redundancy of an email local value containing a plus (+)
 * symbol, by eliminating everything after the first + occurrence.
fun normalizedLocalPlus(local: String): String =
    local.takeWhile { char -> char != '+' }

 * It normalizes the email local value by removing any redundancy.
fun normalizedLocal(local: String): String =
Email Normalization for the Local Component

This way, normalizedLocalDot takes care of any dot by removing it, normalizedLocalPlus filters out anything after any plus symbol, and normalizedLocal composes both.

Email Uniqueness Challenge

This problem gives you a list of strings supposed to be email addresses with the dot and plus constraints defined before. You have to return the number of unique emails in the list.

These kinds of toy (interview) problems don’t care much about realistic requirements. For example, you can pass the tests even if the email is invalid, but the count “passes.” They’re probably also full of imperative approaches that are hard to maintain with real conditions.

By working out the subproblems declaratively with mathematical definitions, you will scale a well-defined domain supporting any kind of requirements.

First, I needed to define a language to match any valid email address.

 * Defines a regex for valid email addresses, capturing the "local" and
 * "domain" groups.
val emailPattern: Regex = """
Email Regex Pattern

The regex captures two groups, local and domain, for matching expressions. The set of accepted inputs is the language. Of course, the language just defined is that of all valid emails we required above.

Notice the email language defined by the regex might be actually integrated into the Email type for building a DSL, for example, by using refinements.

Finally, checking redundancy can boil down to counting a Set.

 * Returns the number of unique email addresses.
fun uniqueEmailsNum(emails: Array<String>): Int = emails
    .mapNotNull { emailPattern.find(it) }
    .map { match ->
        val (local, domain) = match.destructured
        Email(local, domain)
Counting Unique Emails

The solution maps the generic email list to matching expressions, representing strings belonging to the email language defined by the regex. By destructuring the two groups, it maps the original String to the Email domain type. Subsequently, it converts the Email list to a Set to eliminate redundant entries, thus resolving the count required for uniqueness. This works because Email already has the implementation for equality.

Testing Email Values

I generated and reviewed a bunch of tests to check my code.

class EmailTest | EmailTest.kt
// ... //
fun `test uniqueEmailsNum with duplicate emails`() {
    val emails = arrayOf(
    assertEquals(2, uniqueEmailsNum(emails))

// ... //

fun `test uniqueEmailsNum with emails containing plus symbol and dots`() {
    val emails = arrayOf(
    assertEquals(3, uniqueEmailsNum(emails))
Tests for the Uniqueness Challange

With the given test suite, the uniqueEmailsNum function can be checked for many cases.

Reducing Multiple Representations to the Main One

Definitions can allow multiple representations of the same model, while the main form is clean without repetitions. Alternative forms can be reduced to the main one, simplifying the problems required to solve.

An email address is one example of a model that can hold infinitely many forms that point to the same address or owner.

Addressing these simplifications will often lead to a declarative mathematical approach with engineering standards like code maintenance and scalability. The approach given for an Email type can be further worked out to build a DSL.

One declarative approach to define the language of all emails is employing regular expressions —another formal concept— thus enriching the program capabilities by accurately refining our domain.

The hash value of equal objects must match to keep consistency in object equality and hash-based data structures. Therefore, the redundant alternatives are filtered out for implementing equality and making them equal to the main form.