New Image Catalog and Landing Page | MathSwe Ops Mvp (2024/08/22)

New Image Catalog and Landing Page | MathSwe Ops Mvp (2024/08/22)

The System app repository requires more images to add enough value before its initial release, like Miniconda and JetBrains IDEs. It’s crucial not to leave behind its documentation right now, as the new MSW Ops web home must also move forward to reach end users to achieve a complete product.

Implement ImageOps for nvm, node, miniconda, vscode, jetbrains-toolbox plus all IDEs

Aug 14: PR #7 merged into ops/dev <- system by tobiasbriones

This PR implements ImageOps for a wide variety of server and desktop images and all the required low-level details.

New server images include NvmImage, NodeImage, and MinicondaImage, while new desktop images provide VsCodeImage and another powerful abstraction via the JetBrainsToolboxImage and the JetBrainsIdeImage.

While the JetBrainsToolboxImage only implements operations for the Toolbox app, I figured out, developed, and tested thoroughly to devise the abstraction JetBrainsIdeImage to support all IDEs simultaneously.

JetBrains provides IDEs as standalone apps and snap packages, or you can install them via the Toolbox (preferred option). The objective of this PR is to automate the Toolbox itself. For example, you can set up a machine with the Toolbox app plus IDEs installed out of the box after installing the OS.

The objective is to automate the Toolbox, not to replace it.

The Toolbox app doesn’t provide a CLI, so automating the IDE installations within the Toolbox environment is not trivial. Recall that the Toolbox is a GUI app, so it’s more obscure to automate.

I checked how the Toolbox app works under the hood (I had observed it before but still required more details). Therefore, I implemented the operations to automate all IDEs in the Toolbox environment.

The JetBrainsIdeImage supports all the IDEs with common operations.

pub enum JetBrainsIdeImageId {
IDEs Available to Operate into the Toolbox App

JetBrains software uses the YearSemVer format this PR introduces, so the image information will look like:

    "version": "2024.2.0",
Image Info Corresponding to the IntelliJ IDEA Image

The implementation provides smart constructors with higher-order functions that operate well with the ImageLoadContext a previous PR introduced.

let info_loader = ImageInfoLoader::from(
    &, PathBuf::from("image"), PathBuf::from("")
let ctx = ImageLoadContext::new(&os, info_loader);
let image = match {
    Zoom             => ctx.load(ZoomImage::new)?,
    VsCode           => ctx.load(VsCodeImage::new)?,
    JetBrainsToolbox => ctx.load(JetBrainsToolboxImage::new)?,
    IntelliJIdea     => ctx.load(JetBrainsIdeImage::intellij_idea())?,
    WebStorm         => ctx.load(JetBrainsIdeImage::webstorm())?,
    RustRover        => ctx.load(JetBrainsIdeImage::rustrover())?,
    CLion            => ctx.load(JetBrainsIdeImage::clion())?,
    DataGrip         => ctx.load(JetBrainsIdeImage::datagrip())?,
    PyCharm          => ctx.load(JetBrainsIdeImage::pycharm())?,
    Goland           => ctx.load(JetBrainsIdeImage::goland())?,
    Rider            => ctx.load(JetBrainsIdeImage::rider())?,
    PhpStorm         => ctx.load(JetBrainsIdeImage::phpstorm())?,
    RubyMine         => ctx.load(JetBrainsIdeImage::rubymine())?,
IDE Images Loaded via JetBrainsIdeImage Constructors

There’s a significant boilerplate yet, but considering the process is complex, with many abstractions behind, it scales well and is still readable.

While plain constructors like JetBrainsToolboxImage::new build images directly, the higher-order constructors, like JetBrainsIdeImage::intellij_idea, JetBrainsIdeImage::webstorm, etc., will build JetBrainsIdeImages to encapsulate the same behavior in that module.

After the program completes the low-level installation in the Toolbox environment, it restarts the Toolbox app which refreshes the changes and automatically completes the operation (install or uninstall). The JetBrainsIdeImages can be said to be semi-managed because it requires the program to operate various steps but still leverages, in this case, the Toolbox app, to complete the operation.

I have a minor known bug when installing or uninstalling JetBrains IDEs by batch (one after another) the Toolbox is restarted to complete the operation, so the program kills the Toolbox app to open it again. The jetbrains-toolbox process remains a zombie because the parent process (i.e., MathSwe Ops) is still alive, so the kill process method timesout and gives an error because jetbrains-toolbox never died. This bug is not a priority to solve since it’s not fatal (you just have to manually open the Toolbox in the end), so it doesn’t affect most use cases. I also opened the Jira ticket with low priority to track this issue, it might be easy to fix or not; and manually testing everything with side effects takes a lot of effort, too.

There are complex technical details this PR integrates and solves certain inconveniences with package URLs, where the vendor uses the latest version wildcard or redirects to a low-level URL. The purpose is to perform safe downloads with the expected version and hash instead of random “latest” versions without checksum verification. The commit messages address more of these complexities found.

This PR integrates server images like Node.js and Miniconda while adding desktop images like VSCode and thoroughly implementing the JetBrains Toolbox image and all the IDEs with common operations. There are 15 new images 🎉 available in this PR to grow the productivity of the “MathSwe Ops: System” MVP CLI application.

Add project up-to-date documentation

Aug 17: PR #8 merged into ops/dev <- system by tobiasbriones

Following the current MSW MVP structure, it adds files to the System project and the root project.

Add project with MSW Ops page and sections

Aug 22: PR #9 merged into ops/dev <- by tobiasbriones

It creates the new MVP with the main page for mathematical software operations, including the sections and corresponding subsections of:

  • SWAM: Introduces Special Software and Models (SWAM) as an MSWE abstraction to implement extrinsic software to mathematics.
  • MathSwe: Introduces the organization vision that works on the most concrete spectrum of MSWE.
  • MathSwe Ops.
  • MathSwe Com (forthcoming…).
  • System: Adds the current end-user documentation of MathSwe System Ops MVP.

It additionally adds a cubic-curved border to section tops and smooth linear gradient background to the section according to semantics. The first section doesn’t need the border, but the others that expand in more content need it to separate the sections accordingly and give a well-crafter appeal.

Section Border Landscape
Section Border Landscape
Section System on Mobile
Section System on Mobile

I’m launching MathSwe’s new major project at, which uses the UX/UI standards developed in iterations of MSW MVP and MathSwe Com.

The MSW Ops subdomain is serving the site with pertaining information and the System MVP application. It will get officially released after I finish the last commands in the System CLI app, so it presents the initial fully-featured version of that project to the public.

Implementing new images to the System CLI required more low-level challenges and care to keep the project maintainable as an MVP. It brought a milestone before the coming v0.1.0 release to the project as it superseded the major technical issues. Further, it will provide end-user value soon, which the new README documentation updates.

The MSW Ops home page is available with a clean presentation at It already has the current pre-release documentation of the MathSwe System Ops CLI application.

The MathSwe Ops MVP repository has two MVP projects after this PR. Namely, the existing System CLI app that has new images in its catalog and the MSW Ops landing page that covers the end-user home and documentation of MathSwe Ops.