Designing Image Ops | MathSwe Ops MVP (2024/08/08)

Designing Image Ops | MathSwe Ops Mvp (2024/08/08)

After initializing the MathSwe Ops project, new designs arise to support the implementation of software images in Ubuntu for automated operations such as installing, uninstalling, and reinstalling. The first MVP project is a CLI application called “System,” featuring a modular repository of server and desktop images that will keep scaling over time.

Add test_file.txt with lorem ipsum

Jul 17: PR #1 merged into main <- ops/resources by tobiasbriones

It serves as a sample file to test basic downloads.

Add project system with modules tmp, download

Jul 18: PR #2 merged into main <- system by tobiasbriones

It creates a new Rust app system that will provide the tools for automating Linux systems, such as installing software safely.

It implements modules for managing system temporal files and performing blocking downloads with a basic integrity check.

  • Module tmp: It will provide APIs to manipulate system temporary files. A program should request to TmpWorkingDir::new() its dedicated temporal directory to work with, for example, mathswe-ops_26P8JP/. It currently provides a blocking download method since asynchronous requirements are still obscure.
  • Module download: It will implement secure downloads (not necessarily to a temporal directory or file).
  • Module download::hashing: It will implement file checksum code to compare file hashes for integrity.

The new project system started providing modules for programs to get a dedicated temporal directory to operate within and download tooling capable of extension for more integrity file checks (besides SHA-256).

Add CLI and command APIs

Jul 20: PR #3 merged into main <- system by tobiasbriones

It initializes a CLI structure with the clap library to parse command line arguments and provides a module cmd with an API to call system commands.

Add modules image::, download::, package, os, system, exec, with program-wide structure and refactorization

Aug 1: PR #4 merged into main <- system by tobiasbriones

It defines and implements modules required for the program’s structure, robustness, and ability to scale and maintain software images.

  • mod package: It defines what a high-level package needs. It defines:
    • Serializable version types such as SemVer and SemVerRev.
    • A Software record, an essential software product model.
    • A Package record to model a high-level software package.
  • Performs various module redesigns to fit scalability and maintenance needs with type safety.
  • Implements GPG signature verification with download::Integrity::Gpg(GpgKey) for downloaded files requiring this method (like Zoom).
  • Implements serialization of image information that changes a lot, or is volatile, such as versions (e.g., SemVer). For example, ZoomInfo with version, and GPG key with its fingerprint.
  • mod image::desktop: It implements the images of type DesktopImageId for software that only works for desktop GUIs, such as Zoom. It tests the current operations and system design with the image Zoom.
  • mod image::server: It implements the images of type ServerImageId for software that works in general for server or workstation/desktop, such as Rust It tests the current operations and system design with the image Rust.
  • mod os: It provides OS-level command implementations to abstract away from ImageOps.
  • mod system: It contains the main program module.
  • mod exec: It takes responsibility for the last layer of the (user-facing) program execution.

These changes provide modules to structure the program, safe downloads (to temporal directories) with Integrity::Gpg verification (besides the Sha256 Hash provided before), and proof of concept via the DesktopImageId::Zoom and ServerImageId::Rust ImageOps implementations.

Serialization of volatile image information that changes frequently, thus requiring high maintenance (commits, reviews, etc.) goes to a JSON file in the program directory. Changing data such as image version and checksum goes to its info file while domain data belongs inside the program memory. Therefore, hacking the program is minimized or disallowed since the Image JSON file only contains minimal data. For example, it only contains its version, not the whole Url to fetch from, so the HTTPS protocol and the correct Url domain name (which don’t have to change) are always safe since that data is part of the program domain.

Recall that Image models and their serializable (JSON) info go on a case-by-case basis allowing Image customization.

Modules system and exec implement terminal operations, such as user-friendly program messages while consuming abstractions like ImageOps with traits such as Image, Install, and Uninstall.

Modules image::desktop and image::server demonstrated the system design with (currently side effect) automated and manual testing. Adding more images is maintainable and relatively stable from now on.

Clean boilerplate with ImageLoadContext and Implement GoImage

Aug 4: PR #5 merged into main <- system by tobiasbriones

It adds the ImageLoadContext abstraction that provides the otherwise boilerplate at each image module, so images only need a new constructor instead of three.

let info_loader = ImageInfoLoader::from(
    &, PathBuf::from("image"), PathBuf::from("")
let ctx = ImageLoadContext::new(&os, info_loader);
let image = match {
    Rust => ImageLoadContext::basic_image_from(os, RustImage::new),
    Go => ctx.load(GoImage::new)?,

// `RustImage::new` only requires `Os`, hence "Basic."
// `GoImage::new` requires Os and `GoInfo.`

// `ctx.load` abstracts away loading the info JSON file,
// the boxing, and calls the constructor.
ImageLoadContext Saves the State to Build and Image
Client Code Using ImageLoadContext

Integration of ImageLoadContext removes two extra constructors (from and load_with) boilerplate from each image module since image loading should follow the same pattern.

It also implements the GoImage with particularities such as decompressing (untar) files, using the usr/local system directory, and adding and removing environment variables.

The ImageLoadContext integration makes the client code smoother and safer while the GoImage implementation keeps adding more features to the repository.

Implement images Java, Gradle and add SemVerVendor

Aug 5: PR #6 merged into main <- system by tobiasbriones

It implements the JavaImage and GradleImage as well as a new version definition SemVerVendor to support images with versions such as java x.y.z-amzn containing the SemVer followed by the vendor to fetch from.

The new System CLI application introduces a modular, relatively scalable, and secure design to add software images with automated operations such as installing, uninstalling, and reinstalling on a case-by-case basis.

├── download
│   ├──
│   └──
├── image
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   └──
Current System Structure

Modules download::*, provide secure (blocking) downloads with verifications such as HTTPS protocol and checksum/GPG.

Implementation details live in modules like cmd (command line abstractions), tmp (system temporal files), and os (supported OSs and common low-level functionalities like installing deb packages).

Modules such as image and package define application abstractions.

There are a lot of minor details to work out, considering the project is an MVP barely targeting its initial release. Issues can be like “unit” tests that perform side effects requiring mocking and testing complicated/terminal side effect operations.

Other challenges will cover detecting if the OS has the correct state before operating, for example, checking that software or parts of it are not installed in the OS before executing install, and esoteric handling of software versions already installed with different procedures to maintain. Such challenges have no priority now, but the engineering-grade SWAM will require them.

Conversely, crucial parts of modules with priority will always have robust engineering, according to expectations. As said, the project is an MVP grade with its priorities. It matters to address the “Minimum” part of MVP with good engineering while lowering the bar for the rest of the requirements.

As I said in Initializing the MathSwe Ops GitHub Organization (2024/06/19), the OS is full of mutable states or side effects compared to pure MSW, as well as many other insights.

In the application side, modules image::*, provide the repository and modular organization of concrete software images. The project organizes images into two high-level categories, namely, desktop and server. Desktop images are software like Zoom (ZoomImage) that only works with GUI, while server images are the rest that work on any machine (including desktop) like Rust (RustImage).

├── image
│   ├──      -- mod zoom
│   ├──
│   └──       -- mods rust, go, sdkman, java, gradle
├──            -- Abstraction
Each Image belongs to a Submodule
Scalability of Software Images

Modules such as main, system, and exec implement terminal client code employing the mentioned abstractions, such as ImageOps, as the CLI application entrance.

A command would look like cargo run -- install java, with other operations, like uninstall and reinstall. Besides, images with information serialization require their JSON file in the ./image directory.

Image Info
  "version": "21.0.4-amzn"
Java Version as SemVerVendor
Record JavaInfo Serialized

The CLI supports version formats (defined in such as SemVer (semantic versioning), SemVerRev (four digits), and SemVerVendor. So, application models also ensure type safety for serialized records.

The target OS is Ubuntu, so any Ubuntu machine user, either server or desktop/workstation, can benefit from the CLI for automating while hiding undesired implementation details, such as package particularities and lower-level operations.

The current advancements in the “MathSwe Ops MVP: System” CLI application provide well-engineered modules to add and continue refactoring concrete software images for OS automation goals. While I develop the MVP, its engineering-grade version is in mind with its DSL. These first PRs allow us to expand more image implementations so the project will be ready for its initial release.